The Thirteen-gun Salute Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thirteen-gun Salute Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Maturin find the youngest midshipmen and in what condition?
(a) High on drugs in an opium den.
(b) Drunken and reveling in a brothel.
(c) Hiding in the Sultan's palace and drunk.
(d) In a mosque sitting quietly.

2. Why is the Inaccessible Island given that name?
(a) The huge coral reef that surrounds it.
(b) The bogs along the shore.
(c) The type of people who live there.
(d) The sheer cliffs that rise out of the water.

3. What is the trail to the monastery called by the locals?
(a) The stairs to heaven.
(b) The 1,000 steps.
(c) The ladder of enlightenment.
(d) The path of the soul.

4. To what animal is Maturin compared?
(a) A lazy hippopotamus.
(b) A domesticated orangutan.
(c) A drunk monkey.
(d) A charging rhinoceros.

5. How is Diane taken out of her predicament with the wind dying?
(a) The wind came back..
(b) Her ship's boats tow her.
(c) Diane rode into a leeward current.
(d) The chasing ship got caught in the bogs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What two types of animals does Maturin particularly enjoy watching at the monastery?

2. How does the crew of the Diane feel about Maturin staying ashore in a bawdy-house?

3. How many guns does Diane have?

4. What do both delegations do after several days of preparation?

5. What type of demeanor did Fox most exhibit?

Short Essay Questions

1. What kind of news about the French delegation does Raffles tell Aubrey?

2. Describe, briefly, the Diane.

3. How does Maturin and van Buren's relationship evolve?

4. What island does Diane approach when the wind dies and she gets caught in a current?

5. What kind of arrangements does Maturin make in Batavia and why?

6. Why does Aubrey dislike Fox and how does the crew feel about Fox? What does that force on Fox?

7. What class do the midshipmen find boring and what do they do about it?

8. How does the crew work on the Diane and what does Aubrey do with them?

9. What does Fox do to impress the Sultan? How does Aubrey prepare?

10. What kind and number of midshipmen does the Diane have and how does Aubrey handle them?

(see the answer keys)

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