The Third Policeman Test | Final Test - Easy

Brian O'Nolan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Third Policeman Test | Final Test - Easy

Brian O'Nolan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the narrator form such a deep attachment to Pluck's bike?
(a) He thinks it is a woman.
(b) It reminds him of home.
(c) He likes its wheels.
(d) He falls in love with the color.

2. Why does the narrator think they cannot hang him?
(a) He is innocent.
(b) He has no name.
(c) He has no bicycle.
(d) They need him.

3. Who does the narrator send the builder to talk to?
(a) Fox.
(b) Dilaney.
(c) Finnucane.
(d) Joe.

4. Who does Fox say is on the way to save the narrator?
(a) Six spineless frogs.
(b) Five death builders.
(c) Eight blind maids.
(d) Seven one-legged men.

5. What did the neighbors form to force the man to tell them where he had been?
(a) A small army.
(b) A vigilante group.
(c) A Christian group.
(d) A Spanish Inquisition.

6. Where does Divney say he hid the bomb?
(a) In the narrator's car.
(b) In Mathers' bedroom.
(c) In the narrator's study room.
(d) In Mathers' money box.

7. What happens to you while you are in eternity?
(a) You grow younger.
(b) You feel ill at ease.
(c) You don't change.
(d) You grow old quickly.

8. What does MacCruiskeen lose when Gilhaney sends him flying?
(a) His wedding ring.
(b) His invisible chest.
(c) His police report.
(d) His invisible box.

9. Why does Divney claim the narrator can't be there?
(a) He killed him.
(b) He set him to America.
(c) He died of cancer.
(d) He can't walk.

10. What does Pluck compare the slow leak in his clothes to?
(a) An airplane.
(b) A balloon.
(c) A bicycle tire.
(d) A petrol tanker.

11. What will Pluck and his men wear to protect them from MacCruiskeen's bike?
(a) Blindfolds.
(b) Earplugs.
(c) Theater masks.
(d) Gasmasks.

12. What does Pluck say happened to the man who went up in a balloon?
(a) He landed on Mars.
(b) He disappeared.
(c) He aged thirty years.
(d) He caught a bad cold.

13. What does Fox say he used the omnium for?
(a) To fix a door.
(b) To fix his shoes.
(c) To stick up posters.
(d) To wallpaper his police station.

14. What did de Selby undergo many lawsuits to obtain?
(a) Water.
(b) Fire.
(c) Men.
(d) Women.

15. What does Fox say was in the money box?
(a) Bicycle atoms.
(b) Money.
(c) Diamonds.
(d) Omnium.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the light do when MacCruiskeen runs it through the mangle?

2. Who does the narrator see through the window of his house?

3. What does MacCruiskeen run through his mangle?

4. What is MacCruiskeen working on when Gilvaney enters the office?

5. Where does Pluck find a note from Fox?

(see the answer keys)

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