The Third Option Test | Final Test - Medium

Vince Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Third Option Test | Final Test - Medium

Vince Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Villaume ask Cameron?
(a) How much he paid Duser.
(b) When he wants to die.
(c) Where Mitch is.
(d) What is going to happen to Anna.

2. Why does Villaume cut short his phone conversation with Mitch?
(a) Mitch angers him.
(b) Someone else calls.
(c) His life is in danger.
(d) Jeff Duser shoots him.

3. Where do Agent Pelachuck and Agent Salem take Anna?
(a) Cameron's office.
(b) Stansfield's house in Washington, D.C.
(c) Anna's apartment.
(d) Mitch's house in Maryland.

4. What does Mitch throw into Stansfield's backyard?
(a) Garbage.
(b) A grenade.
(c) His cell phone.
(d) Bits of faux bacon.

5. Who assist Mitch in his search for the person responsible for trying to kill him?
(a) Irene Kennedy.
(b) Scott Coleman.
(c) Anna Reilly.
(d) Thomas Stansfield.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who visits Anna's apartment with Mitch?

2. At the end of Chapter 30, about what is Clark secretly pleased?

3. What does Mitch find in Anna's living room?

4. Whose phone rings when Mitch makes a call after speaking with Villaume?

5. Rudin believes that Irene lied to him about what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Villaume tell Mitch about the person who hired him to kill the Jansens?

2. What does Stansfield discuss with President Hayes in Chapter 32?

3. What does Mitch do to Special Agent Salem, and what does he command Salem to do?

4. What does Mitch think about the thermal images he matches on the monitor which shows his house?

5. Why do Coleman and Mitch have a hard time in their search for the person responsible for the attempt on Mitch's life?

6. Describe the conversation between Mitch and Cameron in Chapter 40.

7. Describe Donatella Rahn.

8. Describe Mitch's means of invading Stansfield's house.

9. Describe the conversation between Mitch and Cameron in Chapter 36.

10. What does Clark discuss with Rudin, Midleton and Jonathan Brown in Chapter 30?

(see the answer keys)

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