The Third Option Test | Final Test - Easy

Vince Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Third Option Test | Final Test - Easy

Vince Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who visits Anna's apartment with Mitch?
(a) Jeff Duser.
(b) Scott Coleman.
(c) Irene Kennedy.
(d) Anna Reilly.

2. What is the name of Mitch's dog that he acquires from the Washington Humane Society?
(a) Shirley.
(b) Jersey.
(c) Fido.
(d) Bones.

3. How does Cameron introduce himself to Anna?
(a) He says he is Mitch Rapp.
(b) As Barry Leznor from the FBI.
(c) He tells her he is Peter Cameron from the George Washington University.
(d) As Scott Coleman from the CIA.

4. Where does Mitch park?
(a) At his house.
(b) In front of Stansfield's house.
(c) At the train station.
(d) On Lingomore Drive.

5. Why does the person Mitch calls have multiple phones?
(a) He has the Jansens' phones that he stole after killing them.
(b) He has one for personal calls and one for business calls.
(c) He is a very important person.
(d) In case the battery dies in one phone, he has a backup.

6. Who tells the kidnappers not to go near Anna?
(a) The Professor.
(b) Irene Kennedy.
(c) Thomas Stansfield.
(d) Senator Clark.

7. Where do Agent Pelachuck and Agent Salem take Anna?
(a) Stansfield's house in Washington, D.C.
(b) Cameron's office.
(c) Mitch's house in Maryland.
(d) Anna's apartment.

8. Who does Mitch call after talking to Villaume?
(a) The Professor.
(b) Jeff Duser.
(c) Anna Reilly.
(d) Scott Coleman.

9. Who does Mitch wire with a microphone?
(a) Irene Kennedy.
(b) Anna Reilly.
(c) Special Agent Salem.
(d) Thomas Stansfield.

10. About whom does Cameron tell Clark?
(a) Anna Rielly.
(b) Mitch Rapp.
(c) Irene Kennedy.
(d) Thomas Stansfield.

11. Why does Mitch tell Villaume he needs his help?
(a) To take over Irene Kennedy's job.
(b) To save Thomas Stansfield from death.
(c) To search for the Jansens.
(d) To find out who was trying to kill him.

12. What does Mitch throw into Stansfield's backyard?
(a) Bits of faux bacon.
(b) A grenade.
(c) His cell phone.
(d) Garbage.

13. At the end of Chapter 30, about what is Clark secretly pleased?
(a) Causing friction.
(b) Mitch's disappearance.
(c) Anna's kidnapping.
(d) President Hayes' anger.

14. Who assist Mitch in his search for the person responsible for trying to kill him?
(a) Irene Kennedy.
(b) Thomas Stansfield.
(c) Scott Coleman.
(d) Anna Reilly.

15. What does the man admit to Mitch?
(a) That Anna is in the house.
(b) That Peter Cameron is the Professor.
(c) That Anna is dead.
(d) That he is scared.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mitch thinks the leak in government comes from what source?

2. What does Cameron do at the end of Chapter 40?

3. Where do Mitch and Scott wait in Chapter 28?

4. What does Mitch do to the man in the Sedan at the gas station?

5. Who does Anna Rielly call to say that everything is returning to normal?

(see the answer keys)

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