The Third Chimpanzee: the Evolution and Future of the Human Animal Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Third Chimpanzee: the Evolution and Future of the Human Animal Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the result of this evidence?
(a) Several thousand "words" which are considered likely to be very similar to the original language.
(b) Several "words" which are considered likely to be very similar to the original language.
(c) Several hundred "words" which are considered likely to be very similar to the original language.
(d) Several dozen "words" which are considered likely to be very similar to the original language.

2. What did European animals include?
(a) Numerous species of large-bodied carnivorous, wild animals.
(b) Numerous species of small-bodied carnivorous, wild animals.
(c) Numerous species of small-bodied domesticated animals.
(d) Numerous species of large-bodied herding animals, which were domesticated.

3. What was a nickname for these type of people in the civilizations?
(a) Beautiful peasants.
(b) Ignorant beasts.
(c) Crazy natives.
(d) Noble savages.

4. What did some European inhabitants of Australia argue should be carried out in Australia?
(a) A similar genocide.
(b) Less assimilation.
(c) Less genocide.
(d) More assimilation.

5. What was discovered on this expedition?
(a) Hundreds of people known as the Canari.
(b) Hundreds of people known as the Dani.
(c) Thousands of people known as the Dani.
(d) Thousands of people known as the Canari.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a theoretical pursuit that ponders the likely nature and possible existence of extra-terrestrial life and intelligence?

2. What percentage of extinctions does archaeological evidence suggest is the responsibility of pre-historic humans?

3. What kept this group of people isolated for so long?

4. What does the author note about studies done on woodpeckers?

5. Around 10,000 BCE what was the world's approximate human population?

Short Essay Questions

1. What enabled population expansion?

2. What occurred when European settlers first arrived in Tasmania?

3. What principle is used to explain why animals can be self-destructive?

4. What imminent risks to survival does humanity face?

5. What is Blitzkrieg?

6. When and where was PIE initially used?

7. What is genocide?

8. What was one of the last major first contacts?

9. What has been discovered about various human settlers?

10. What is a prevalent habit among modern peoples of all time?

(see the answer keys)

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