Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Levi see that surprises him when he comes out of a convenience store?
2. What does Zim give Levi for Levi's birthday?
3. Where do Levi and Boaz first go when they get to the Washington, D. C. area?
4. What do Levi and Celine decide they have in common?
5. How does Levi react in Jack Bradford's room?
Short Essay Questions
1. What happens when Levi follows Boaz after Boaz leaves the restaurant?
2. What does Levi first think when he and the others arrive at the Vietnam Memorial?
3. How does Loren respond to Levi saying he just wants Boaz to come home?
4. Where is Boaz headed first?
5. What happens when a Toyota truck goes speeding by Boaz and Levi as they are walking?
6. How does Boaz act towards Levi at dinner after Levi confronts Boaz and what happens the next morning?
7. Who arrives just as Levi is wondering about her and what does she decide to do?
8. Why does Levi shave his head?
9. What does Boaz say about why he walks?
10. What do Levi and Boaz find at their stop in Riverside, New Jersey?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss one of the following:
1. Thoroughly analyze how the setting informs the plot in The Things a Brother Knows.
2. Trace and analyze one major theme of The Things a Brother Knows. How is the theme represented by symbolism? By the characters' behaviors? By the action?
3. Trace and analyze two secondary themes of The Things a Brother Knows. How are the themes represented by symbolism? By the characters' behaviors? By the action?
Essay Topic 2
Characters are an important part of what makes The Things a Brother Knows interesting. Discuss the following:
1. Thoroughly discuss and analyze Levi. What are his strengths? His weaknesses? How does he contribute to the plot? Is he a sympathetic character? Is he always likable? Never likable? Use specific examples to illustrate your ideas.
2. Thoroughly discuss and analyze Boaz. What are his strengths? His weaknesses? How does he contribute to the plot? Is he a sympathetic character? Is he always likable? Never likable? Use specific examples to illustrate your ideas.
3. Thoroughly discuss and analyze Amanda. What are her strengths? Her weaknesses? How does she contribute to the plot? Is she a sympathetic character? Is she ever likable? Never likable? Use specific examples to illustrate your ideas.
Essay Topic 3
Adjusting to life as a civilian is difficult for Boaz. He stays in his room and sleeps, but he is probably just avoiding talking about his experience. He's not ready to discuss it yet. But his silence, just like his military service, is impacting the family. His mother is worried, but keeps reminding herself that at least he's home. Abba doesn't understand why his son is isolating himself and isn't just his old self. Levi is confused and hurt. Boaz's apparent depression is making Levi feel guilty.
1. Discuss why adjusting to civilian life might be difficult for Boaz. Use examples from The Things a Brother Knows and your own life to support your answer.
2. How do you think Boaz's silence is affecting his family? Use examples from The Things a Brother Knows and your own life to support your answer.
3. Compare Boaz's parents reactions to his behavior and why you think his mother and father are reacting differently. Use examples from The Things a Brother Knows and your own life to support your answer.
This section contains 1,125 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |