The Things a Brother Knows Test | Final Test - Medium

Dana Reinhardt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Things a Brother Knows Test | Final Test - Medium

Dana Reinhardt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Levi and Celine decide they have in common?
(a) Love of the out-of-doors
(b) Best friends who are of the opposite sex
(c) Experiences with their brothers
(d) Love of technology

2. What does Maria ask Boaz and Levi to do with her?
(a) Nothing
(b) Pray for her son
(c) Talk to her about their family
(d) Mow the lawn

3. Where does Levi take his skateboard?
(a) The Museum of Natural History
(b) An area near the White House
(c) The Washington Monument
(d) The Museum of American History

4. What makes Boaz and Jack laugh until they cry?
(a) A story about Jack's ex-wife
(b) A joke they had learned at war
(c) Seeing Levi's shaved head
(d) A story about one of their war buddies

5. What does Celine do before leaving the two young men?
(a) Asks to come visit Levi
(b) Gives Boaz a letter from her brother
(c) Asks Levi to come back and see her
(d) Programs her phone number into Levi's phone

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Levi meet up with when he gets to his destination?

2. What does the man say that upsets Levi?

3. What do the three friends find when they arrive at Boaz's motel the next morning?

4. Why does Boaz become irate at Levi?

5. What does Boaz read up on stage?

Short Essay Questions

1. What story does Boaz tell the crowd at the Vietnam Memorial?

2. What happens when Levi is out jogging and finds his mother?

3. How is Levi surprised when they arrive at Celine's aunt's house in Edgewood?

4. What enrages Levi so much that he goes up and pounds on Boaz's bedroom door and what happens?

5. What happens when a Toyota truck goes speeding by Boaz and Levi as they are walking?

6. Where do Boaz and Levi first go when they arrive in the Washington, D.C. area and who do they visit?

7. What does Levi first think when he and the others arrive at the Vietnam Memorial?

8. What does Loren call to tell Levi the day before Levi leaves in search of Boaz?

9. Describe Levi's conversation with Christina.

10. What does Celine say to Levi about her brother?

(see the answer keys)

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