The Things a Brother Knows Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Dana Reinhardt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Things a Brother Knows Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Dana Reinhardt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Amanda think Boaz's trip will do for Boaz?
(a) It will be good for Boaz.
(b) It will either heal Boaz or kill him.
(c) It will make Boaz withdraw more.
(d) It will probably not impact Boaz at all.

2. Where does Dov want to take Abba and the boys?
(a) Their cabin at the beach
(b) Dov's favorite Chinese restaurant
(c) A camping trip
(d) Dov's favorite Mexican restaurant

3. What does Levi tell his mother Boaz may need?
(a) More time
(b) His own place
(c) A psychiatrist
(d) A kick in the pants

4. Who is Pearl?
(a) Boaz's best friend
(b) Levi and Boaz's mother
(c) Boaz's wife
(d) Levi's best friend

5. About what is Amanda worried concerning Boaz?
(a) His lack of appetite
(b) His lack of motivation
(c) His unwillingness to talk to anyone
(d) His upcoming trip

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Levi notice all over Boaz's room when he goes into the room?

2. What does Levi know not to ask Boaz?

3. What does Levi think has disappeared?

4. With whom is Christina going away for the summer?

5. What does Levi's father want his sons to call him?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Pearl try to comfort Levi concerning Boaz?

2. Who is Zim and what does he have in common with Levi?

3. How does Amanda act about Boaz's upcoming trip?

4. What is Levi doing when Boaz comes home and how does the family greet him?

5. What happens when Amanda knocks on Boaz's door and why is this different than Boaz used to be?

6. Why is Levi conflicted about attending a party and what does he decide?

7. What does Levi observe when he goes into Boaz's room to help Boaz with his broken computer?

8. What is Boaz's response to Dov wanting to take the boys out to eat?

9. How does Boaz act at dinner and what does he do after he's done eating?

10. What happens when Amanda spots the sign honoring Boaz?

(see the answer keys)

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