The Things a Brother Knows Test | Final Test - Easy

Dana Reinhardt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Things a Brother Knows Test | Final Test - Easy

Dana Reinhardt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Boaz suggest Levi does?
(a) Call Celine
(b) Go home
(c) Call their mother
(d) Go back and become friends with Celine instead of going with Boaz

2. What astonishes Levi when they reach Celine's aunt's house?
(a) Boaz treats Celine's aunt like an old friend.
(b) Celine is sitting on the front porch.
(c) Celine has a twin brother who is at the aunt's house.
(d) The aunt is not home and just left a note and the house keys.

3. What does Celine do before leaving the two young men?
(a) Programs her phone number into Levi's phone
(b) Gives Boaz a letter from her brother
(c) Asks to come visit Levi
(d) Asks Levi to come back and see her

4. What does Levi tell Pearl it is time to do?
(a) He does not know what to do
(b) Something about Boaz
(c) Let Boaz go and get on with his life
(d) Call the police

5. Why is Levi enraged enough to pound on Boaz's door?
(a) He saw Amanda crying in her bedroom.
(b) He heard Christina crying on the porch.
(c) He heard Lim upset in the backyard.
(d) He saw all of the camping equipment Amanda bought Boaz.

6. Why does Levi call Christina early the next morning?
(a) To warn her they are coming to Washington, D.C.
(b) To tell her Boaz has a new girlfriend
(c) He doesn't call her
(d) To ask if Boaz has called her at all

7. What does Celine tell her father about her plans?
(a) She is going to walk to her mother's house.
(b) She is going to visit Levi at his home.
(c) She is going to get a job.
(d) She is going to Washington, D.C. to join the protest.

8. What does Boaz take up on stage with him?
(a) His parents
(b) An American flag
(c) Levi
(d) The box he has so carefully guarded

9. Why does Levi know he has found the right man when Pearl and Levi go into an apartment at their destination?
(a) The man is wearing fatigues.
(b) The man says he knows why they are there.
(c) The man's head is shaved.
(d) The man looks like someone in one of Boaz's pictures.

10. Where do Levi and Boaz arrive to find a welcoming banner?
(a) Pisacataway, New Jersey
(b) Trenton, New Jersey
(c) Baltimore, Maryland
(d) Riverside, New Jersey

11. What does Jack say when Levi mentions the million strong rally?
(a) Boaz is supposed to talk at the rally.
(b) Jack is to talk at the rally.
(c) It is not where they are headed.
(d) Boaz is one of the organizers of the rally.

12. Why do several men lift up Jack onto the stage?
(a) His wheelchair tire is flat.
(b) There is no ramp.
(c) They are yelling for him to speak.
(d) They do not put him on stage, but bring him the microphone.

13. What does Levi see that surprises him when he comes out of a convenience store?
(a) Boaz has already headed out
(b) Boaz talking and laughing with Celine
(c) Celine talking with a guy Levi does not know
(d) Amanda in a car in the parking lot

14. Why does Levi stop at a Chinese restaurant?
(a) Pearl wanted him to bring some takeout back.
(b) To get some tea.
(c) To ask directions back to the motel.
(d) To rest for a few moments.

15. Who screams at Boaz when they shot the tires of a van in the war zone?
(a) An elderly man
(b) An elderly woman
(c) A young man with blood all over his face
(d) One of the friendly forces' soldiers

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Levi and the others go after the rally?

2. Where does Dov get a lunch for Boaz?

3. Where does Pearl drive Levi?

4. What does Zim give Levi for Levi's birthday?

5. What does Levi find in Boaz's closet?

(see the answer keys)

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