The Thing Around Your Neck Test | Final Test - Medium

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thing Around Your Neck Test | Final Test - Medium

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In “The Arrangers of Marriage,” how does Nia tell Chinaza people end up in love?
(a) They fall into it.
(b) They create it together.
(c) They climb to it.
(d) They discover it in their days.

2. In “The American Embassy,” how does the woman end the interview at the embassy?
(a) She bursts into tears.
(b) She gets up and leaves.
(c) She falls on her knees begging.
(d) She sits there in a stupor until they prod her to go.

3. In "Tomorrow is Too Far," what sound did the narrator envy her mother making for Nonso?
(a) Exclamations about his talents.
(b) A belly laugh.
(c) Nonsense love longs.
(d) Fawning admiration.

4. In “The Shivering,” where does Ukamaka end up driving Chinedu to, regularly?
(a) The library and the cafeteria.
(b) Church and groceries.
(c) Work and the gym.
(d) School and the bars.

5. In “The Shivering,” where was Chinedu working when he met Abidemi?
(a) In a restaurant.
(b) In his parents’ gardening business.
(c) In a resort.
(d) In a cell phone store.

Short Answer Questions

1. In “The Arrangers of Marriage,” what name does Odofile make Chinaza take?

2. In “The Headstrong Historian,” how long ago did Nwamgba lose her husband Obierika when the story starts?

3. In "Tomorrow is Too Far," who called out to Nonso that there was a snake in the tree below him?

4. In “The Shivering,” why does Ukamaka like Chinedu’s presence in her apartment?

5. In “The Shivering,” where was Udenna traveling to, in Nigeria?

Short Essay Questions

1. In “The American Embassy,” why does the woman leave the embassy without completing the interview process?

2. In “The Headstrong Historian,” how does Nwamgba end up sending Anikwenwa to learn English from the mission schools?

3. In “The Shivering,” what is it that brings Chinedu to Ukamaka’s apartment?

4. In "Tomorrow is Too Far," what caused Nonso to receive preferential treatment among the three children in the story?

5. In “The Shivering,” what causes Ukamaka’s shivering?

6. In “The Arrangers of Marriage,” how does the narrator characterize the apartment she arrives in with her husband?

7. What is the thing around the character’s neck in the story "The Thing Around Your Neck"?

8. In “The American Embassy,” why has the woman come to wait in line at the American Embassy?

9. Who is the You in the story "The Thing Around Your Neck"?

10. In "Tomorrow is Too Far," what had the narrator told her mother to explain how Nonso had died?

(see the answer keys)

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