The Thing Around Your Neck Test | Final Test - Easy

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thing Around Your Neck Test | Final Test - Easy

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Tomorrow is Too Far," what sound did the narrator envy her mother making for Nonso?
(a) A belly laugh.
(b) Fawning admiration.
(c) Nonsense love longs.
(d) Exclamations about his talents.

2. In “The Shivering,” when does Ukamaka start shivering?
(a) Before Chinedu arrived at her apartment.
(b) While Chinedu is praying.
(c) Up to the moment Chinedu starts praying.
(d) When Chinedu finished praying.

3. In “The Thing Around Your Neck,” what did Akunna find in the community college students she studied with?
(a) Confusion mixed with confidence.
(b) Apathy mixed with high expectations.
(c) Ignorance mixed with arrogance.
(d) Aimlessness mixed with high energy.

4. In “The Thing Around Your Neck,” how does Akunna get a job after leaving her uncle’s house?
(a) She offers to work for less than the regular waitresses.
(b) She offers to do jobs no one else wants to do.
(c) She shows the hiring manager her experience.
(d) She tells the manager who her parents are.

5. In “The American Embassy,” what does the woman remember the government agents smelled like, when they came to her house?
(a) Vomit.
(b) Cheap perfume.
(c) Alcohol.
(d) Mangoes.

6. In "Tomorrow is Too Far," where was Nonso buried?
(a) Virginia.
(b) Nigeria.
(c) Philadelphia.
(d) New Jersey.

7. In “The American Embassy,” how did the woman escape from the government men who killed her son?
(a) Wrestled herself free on the street.
(b) Hid in a closet till they left.
(c) Ducked into a neighbor’s house.
(d) Jumped off a balcony.

8. In “The Headstrong Historian,” what does Nwamgba’s son Anikwenwa’s name mean?
(a) We are blessed.
(b) Father’s pride.
(c) Pride of his people.
(d) The earth gave us a son.

9. What does the “thing around your neck” do to Akunna?
(a) Nearly choke her.
(b) Allow her to sing.
(c) Fills her with grief.
(d) Allow her to keep breathing.

10. In “The Headstrong Historian,” why Nwamgba’s family horrified by the prospect or marriage to Obierika?
(a) His family’s history of infertility.
(b) His family’s low status.
(c) His family’s history of scandals.
(d) His family’s outsider status.

11. In “The Thing Around Your Neck,” how does Akunna’s uncle describe America?
(a) It is dog eat dog.
(b) It is cat and mouse.
(c) It is location, location, location.
(d) It is give and take.

12. In “The American Embassy,” what does the man in line behind the woman speculate about the people in the American embassy?
(a) They must be glad to fly home.
(b) They must enjoy being so important.
(c) They must not envy the Africans.
(d) They must enjoy watching soldiers beat people.

13. In “The Arrangers of Marriage,” how does Chinaza characterize her aunt and uncle’s interest in her thoughts and feelings about new marriage?
(a) Considerate.
(b) Critical.
(c) Thoughtful.
(d) Uninterested.

14. In “The Shivering,” where was Udenna traveling to, in Nigeria?
(a) A campaign event.
(b) A job interview.
(c) A school lecture.
(d) His cousin’s wedding.

15. In "Tomorrow is Too Far," what did the narrator wait for her mother to recognize?
(a) Her voice and her agility.
(b) Her intellect and her daring.
(c) Her looks and her practicality.
(d) Her ambition and her good sense.

Short Answer Questions

1. In “The American Embassy,” what does the embassy interviewer say she can offer the woman seeking asylum?

2. In “The American Embassy,” what does the embassy interviewer want from the woman asking for asylum?

3. In “The Arrangers of Marriage,” how much does Odofile tell Chinaza he makes?

4. In “The Thing Around Your Neck,” where does Akunna live when she arrives in America?

5. In “The Shivering,” how long had Ukamaka and Udenna been in a relationship together?

(see the answer keys)

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