The Thing Around Your Neck Test | Final Test - Easy

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thing Around Your Neck Test | Final Test - Easy

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In “The American Embassy,” what does the woman remember the government agents smelled like, when they came to her house?
(a) Cheap perfume.
(b) Mangoes.
(c) Vomit.
(d) Alcohol.

2. In “The Thing Around Your Neck,” how does Akunna’s uncle describe America?
(a) It is location, location, location.
(b) It is dog eat dog.
(c) It is give and take.
(d) It is cat and mouse.

3. What does the “thing around your neck” do to Akunna?
(a) Allow her to sing.
(b) Allow her to keep breathing.
(c) Nearly choke her.
(d) Fills her with grief.

4. In “The Shivering,” how did Udenna justify breaking up with Ukamaka?
(a) He said that his parents demanded he split with her and come home.
(b) He said that he had fallen out of love with her.
(c) He said that their relationship had become staid.
(d) He said that he had another woman in Nigeria.

5. In “The Thing Around Your Neck,” what do all Americans have, according to Akunna’s relatives in Nigeria?
(a) A lover and a spouse.
(b) A second home.
(c) A car and a gun.
(d) A credit card and a good job.

6. In “The American Embassy,” what does the woman keep seeing in her mind’s eye?
(a) Her husband’s face when he was killed.
(b) Her son being killed.
(c) Her parents’ look of disappointment.
(d) Her husband leaving her.

7. In “The American Embassy,” what is the woman’s frame of mind?
(a) Attentive.
(b) Voluble.
(c) Blank.
(d) Chatty.

8. In “The Shivering,” how does Ukamaka characterize Chinedu’s faith?
(a) Illogical and also reassuring.
(b) Confusing and also beautiful.
(c) Contradictory and also simple.
(d) Forceful and also fragile.

9. In “The Thing Around Your Neck,” why does Akunna not write to her family back in Nigeria?
(a) She thought there was nothing to write about.
(b) She did not want to admit defeat.
(c) She could not reveal what her uncle did to her.
(d) She could not afford postage.

10. In “The Headstrong Historian,” what did Nwamgba’s cousins take after Obierika’s funeral?
(a) His lands.
(b) His son.
(c) His house.
(d) His ivory tusk.

11. In “The Thing Around Your Neck,” how does Akunna’s boyfriend say his parents give love?
(a) Portioned out like a cake.
(b) He says that they withhold it.
(c) Flowing like a river.
(d) Grudgingly like a dripping faucet.

12. In “The Thing Around Your Neck,” when does the thing around Akunna’s neck start to let go?
(a) When she graduates from community college.
(b) When she sends money home.
(c) When she sends gifts home.
(d) When she is in a relationship with her boyfriend.

13. In “The Arrangers of Marriage,” how does Nia tell Chinaza people end up in love?
(a) They fall into it.
(b) They create it together.
(c) They discover it in their days.
(d) They climb to it.

14. In “The Thing Around Your Neck,” why does Akunna leave her first house?
(a) The house is moldy.
(b) She wanted to live on her own.
(c) Her uncle tries to seduce her.
(d) Her uncle is evicted.

15. In “The Headstrong Historian,” what did Afamefuna come to value instead of “the hard, obvious things printed in books” (216)?
(a) The material things that embodied the her people’s history.
(b) The soft things that live in the heart.
(c) The secret things that will never be witnessed.
(d) The invisible things that live in God.

Short Answer Questions

1. In “The Headstrong Historian,” what made Nwamgba look forward to death?

2. In “The Headstrong Historian,” how long ago did Nwamgba lose her husband Obierika when the story starts?

3. In “The Arrangers of Marriage,” how does Chinaza characterize her aunt and uncle’s interest in her thoughts and feelings about new marriage?

4. In “The Headstrong Historian,” what did Anikwenwa learn to do in Lagos?

5. In “The American Embassy,” how did the woman escape from the government men who killed her son?

(see the answer keys)

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