The Thing Around Your Neck Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thing Around Your Neck Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "The Headstrong Historian".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In “Imitation,” what other task does the narrator say the custodians of the masks also performed?
(a) Preserving the dead bodies of the kings.
(b) Teaching the king’s children.
(c) Bringing human sacrifices to the king.
(d) Preserving the tribe’s records.

2. In “A Private Experience,” where will Chika be when she sees this sight next?
(a) Back in London.
(b) In her aunt’s car.
(c) At the university.
(d) In her home.

3. In “The Headstrong Historian,” how did Nwamgba propose to solve the problem of their infertility as a couple?
(a) By finding Obierika a second wife.
(b) By getting pregnant by a lover.
(c) By adopting children.
(d) By visiting a witch doctor.

4. In “The Thing Around Your Neck,” how does Akunna’s boyfriend say his parents give love?
(a) He says that they withhold it.
(b) Flowing like a river.
(c) Portioned out like a cake.
(d) Grudgingly like a dripping faucet.

5. In “A Private Experience,” what does the woman invite Chika to sit on?
(a) A dusty chair.
(b) Her wrap.
(c) The floor.
(d) Her headscarf.

Short Answer Questions

1. In “On Monday of Last Week,” why does Kamara say she took the job with Neil and Josh?

2. In “On Monday of Last Week,” what has Kamara been doing since last Monday?

3. Where is "A Private Experience" set?

4. In “On Monday of Last Week,” what amuses Kamara about the phrase “cooking dinner” in the U.S. (80)?

5. In “A Private Experience,” what aspect of the Hausa woman does the narrator say Chika will remember?

(see the answer key)

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