The Thing About Jellyfish Test | Final Test - Hard

Ali Benjamin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thing About Jellyfish Test | Final Test - Hard

Ali Benjamin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dylan throw into a tree that greatly disturbs Suzy in the chapter titled How to Lose a Friend?

2. In the chapter titled How to Lose a Friend, what does Franny do to Suzy that is terribly mean-spirited?

3. In the chapter titled Goodbye, Ming Palace, what story does Suzy hear on the car radio?

4. What is one of the things related to science that scares Suzy?

5. What is the only part of a jellyfish one can touch without getting stung?

Short Essay Questions

1. In the chapter titled Spare Change, what are some of the sources Suzy uses to get money for her trip to Australia?

2. In the chapter titled How to Know Things Have Changed, when does Suzy finally realize her friendship with Franny is basically over?

3. In the chapter titled Stronger Than Us, what are a few of the facts about jellyfish that Suzy thinks makes them more resilient than humans?

4. In the chapter titled Face-to-Face, why does Dr. Legs tell Suzy's parents she thinks they made major headway during Suzy's session?

5. In the chapter titled Millions of Things to Learn, who does Suzy contemplate sitting down with in person to talk with and why?

6. In the chapter titled Zombie Ants, why does Suzy start to think Sarah Johnston is interesting and potentially different from many of the other girls in her grade?

7. Who is Bridget Brown and why is Suzy interested in her?

8. In the chapter titled What I Don't Want to Talk About, how does Suzy feel seeing other girls upset at Franny's funeral?

9. In the chapter titled How to Lose a Friend, what does Franny do to Suzy that solidifies their rift?

10. What is Suzy horrified to see Dylan Parker do on their camping field trip, and how do the other girls respond to his action?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write an essay comparing and contrasting the grieving process Suzy goes through that marks the end of her and Franny's friendship and the grieving process Suzy goes through after Franny's death. What other emotions does Suzy experience as a part of both of these processes?

Essay Topic 2

At different points in the novel, Suzy performs exhaustive research and discusses detailed facts about jellyfish. Write an essay analyzing which characteristics and traits about jellyfish seem to resonate the most deeply with Suzy, especially as they seem to contrast with or contradict human traits.

Essay Topic 3

Write an essay analyzing some of the reasons Suzy stops talking in the beginning of seventh grade. What are some of the significant thoughts and feelings she has that explain her sudden silence?

(see the answer keys)

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