The Thing About Jellyfish Test | Final Test - Medium

Ali Benjamin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thing About Jellyfish Test | Final Test - Medium

Ali Benjamin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the chapter titled Goodbye, Ming Palace, what story does Suzy hear on the car radio?
(a) Diana Nyad has suffered a serious shark bite.
(b) Jamie Seymour is coming to Massachusetts.
(c) Jamie Seymour has died.
(d) Diana Nyad is attempting to swim from Cuba to Florida again.

2. In the chapter titled Look at Me, what does Suzy discover that makes her feel even worse about what she has done to Franny?
(a) Franny's mother has come to school to pick her up.
(b) Suzy's mother has found out what she has done to Franny.
(c) She has gotten an F in science for the year.
(d) She has gotten her first period.

3. In the chapter titled Pollination, what does Justin Maloney call Suzy?
(a) Belle.
(b) Suzanne.
(c) Franny.
(d) Zu.

4. In the chapter titled Look at Me, what is Suzy waiting for Franny to do which she never does?
(a) Run out of the school.
(b) Look at Suzy.
(c) Scream.
(d) Faint.

5. What does Suzy asks "Dr. Legs" in one of their last sessions before she gets ready to take her trip abroad?
(a) How to apologize.
(b) How to start talking again.
(c) How to get good grades.
(d) How to say goodbye.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Suzy decide to take a significant and secret trip to?

2. In the chapter titled Goodbye, Ming Palace, what does Suzy's father ask her to do sometime?

3. In the chapter titled How to Lose a Friend, what do the students make fun of Suzy for?

4. In the chapter titled Stronger Than Us, which of the following does Suzy say is true of jellyfish stings?

5. How does Suzy describe what she feels on the last day of sixth grade in the chapter titled Look at Me?

Short Essay Questions

1. In the chapter titled Spare Change, what are some of the sources Suzy uses to get money for her trip to Australia?

2. In the chapter titled Instant Calm, why does Sarah Johnston seem to decide not to join Suzy and Justin in Mrs. Turton's room at lunch?

3. In the chapter titled Millions of Things to Learn, who does Suzy contemplate sitting down with in person to talk with and why?

4. In the chapter titled Deadline, what is the event Suzy is determined to be headed to Australia by or before?

5. In the chapter titled Zombie Ants, why does Suzy start to think Sarah Johnston is interesting and potentially different from many of the other girls in her grade?

6. In the chapter titled Instant Calm, what makes Suzy feel better immediately and why?

7. Who is Bridget Brown and why is Suzy interested in her?

8. In the chapter titled Face-to-Face, why does Dr. Legs tell Suzy's parents she thinks they made major headway during Suzy's session?

9. In the chapter titled Two Days' Silence, what is Franny waiting anxiously for?

10. In the chapter How to Lose a Friend, why do Suzy's classmates begin making fun of her on their camping field trip?

(see the answer keys)

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