The Thing About Jellyfish Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ali Benjamin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thing About Jellyfish Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ali Benjamin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the chapter titled A Click, Then Silence, who does Suzy work up the courage to call?
(a) Mrs. Jackson.
(b) Diana Nyad.
(c) Jamie Seymour.
(d) Mrs. Turton.

2. What kind of jellyfish was the jellyfish expert Suzy wants to contact stung by in his video?
(a) A Glass Moon.
(b) An Aurelia Mongola.
(c) An Irukandji.
(d) An Arora Borealis.

3. In the chapter titled Best Educated Guess, what does Suzy say about how she had left things with Franny?
(a) That she should have told Franny not to worry about borrowing her things all the time and that she was not really mad at Franny.
(b) That things had ended between them in the worst possible way.
(c) That she had wanted to have ice cream with Franny one last time.
(d) That she still missed Franny so much because of how close they had been right up until Franny died.

4. How long was Franny Jackson dead before Suzy heard about her death?
(a) 2 weeks.
(b) 2 months.
(c) 2 days.
(d) 2 years.

5. Why does Suzy decide not to contact Angel Yanagihara about jellyfish?
(a) She thinks Angel might have changed fields of study.
(b) She thinks Angel may be a fraud.
(c) She hurt a mouse with venom, and Suzy did not like that.
(d) She did not seem to like to talk to people.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Suzy's parents describe the way she talks?

2. What is Suzy's mother known for that she explains in the chapter titled 150 Million Stings?

3. Which is one of the most venomous jellyfish in the world?

4. What does Suzy's brother do for a living?

5. How many mass extinctions have there been since jellyfish have existed?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the event that Suzy begins referring to as "The Worst Thing"?

2. In the chapter titled Best Educated Guess, what does Suzy write about in her notebook?

3. What nicknames do Suzy and Franny give each other as a sign of their bond and friendship?

4. What does Suzy's mother tell her about Franny's death that Suzy finds it difficult to accept?

5. In the chapter titled Expert #1, what topic is Suzy looking for experts she can speak with about?

6. In the chapter Mote of Dust, why does Suzy get the impression Mrs. Turton is speaking directly to her when she addresses the class?

7. What does Justin Maloney tell Suzy about how and why he has changed from his behavior in previous school years?

8. In the chapter titled How to Not Say Something Important, what does Suzy want to tell Franny but can never find the words for?

9. In the chapter titled Dumb Old Words, what does Suzy describe as one of the first times she realized her father was perplexed by what she chose to speak with him about?

10. How and when does Suzy become so interested in jellyfish?

(see the answer keys)

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