The Theory of the Leisure Class Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Theory of the Leisure Class Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what does Veblen say that education is similar?
(a) Devotional practice.
(b) Mercantilism.
(c) Warfare.
(d) Marriage.

2. What does Veblen mean by the terms "social inertia" and "conservatism"?
(a) Man will always imagine that returning to the past is possible.
(b) Man will forever idealize the past.
(c) Institutions will always change faster than individuals.
(d) Man will cling to his habits until he is forced to change.

3. What force does Veblen say drives change in the leisure class?
(a) Changes in religious rituals.
(b) International currency exchange rates.
(c) Political policies.
(d) Economic development.

4. How does Veblen describe the industrial classes' relationship with sports?
(a) As an addiction.
(b) As a passion.
(c) As an occasional diversion.
(d) As a form of warfare.

5. What does Veblen consider education to be?
(a) A form of pecuniary waste.
(b) A form of vicarious leisure.
(c) A form of vicarious consumption.
(d) A form of conspicuous consumption.

6. What age does Veblen say worshiping corresponds to?
(a) The antepredatory age.
(b) The peaceful age.
(c) The industrial age.
(d) The barbarian age.

7. Which holiday does Veblen cite as an example of holidays being vicarious leisure?
(a) Christmas.
(b) Halloween.
(c) Labor Day.
(d) Easter.

8. What does Veblen say about his purposes in describing anthropomorphic cults?
(a) He says that he judges them for their detachment from Christian principles.
(b) He says that he wants people to see them as conspicuous waste.
(c) He says that he wants to expose them as imitations of archaic religions.
(d) He says that he wants to show how they are part of culture.

9. What is it that Veblen says survives as society changes?
(a) Jewels.
(b) The fittest ideas.
(c) The fittest habits.
(d) The fittest fashions.

10. What does Veblen say happens to the anthropomorphic cult as time goes by?
(a) It loses adherents.
(b) It evolves into democracy.
(c) It disintegrates.
(d) It becomes rigid.

11. What does Veblen say was the center of modern communities during his time?
(a) The guilt inherited from wars.
(b) Industrial efficiency.
(c) The inherited triumphs from wars.
(d) Nostalgia for nature.

12. What aspect of man's character does gambling originate in, according to Veblen?
(a) The predatory character.
(b) The religious character.
(c) The antepredatory character.
(d) The peaceable character.

13. Why, according to Veblen, were women excluded from education?
(a) They were unprepared.
(b) They were independent.
(c) They were distracting.
(d) They were subservient.

14. What does Veblen say is the most serious occupation of the leisure class?
(a) Production.
(b) Innovation.
(c) Distribution.
(d) Government.

15. According to Veblen, there is a natural selection among what?
(a) Ethnic types.
(b) Production techniques.
(c) Forms of consumption.
(d) Forms of wastefulness.

Short Answer Questions

1. Selective adaptation governs what?

2. When, according to Veblen, does the leisure class change most?

3. Which ethnic type does Veblen say has more predatory traits?

4. What does the belief in luck accompany?

5. Whose traits does Veblen say the leisure class propagates?

(see the answer keys)

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