The Testament Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Testament Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Neva Collier?
(a) A friend of Rachel Lane's.
(b) A friend of Nate's.
(c) Troy's last mistress.
(d) A missionary.

2. What does it take to get Nate ready to travel?
(a) A call from Josh.
(b) A veiled threat from Jevy.
(c) A bucket of ice water thrown on Nate.
(d) A few cold showers, aspirin, cool compresses, and sunglasses.

3. Where does Nate find liquor?
(a) In the hotel restaurant.
(b) From a homeless man.
(c) In a delicatessen that remained open and sold liquor.
(d) He doesn't.

4. What is the opening scene of Chapter 10?
(a) Nate is released from Walnut Hill.
(b) Nate is arrested for DUI.
(c) Josh and Nate meet at Troy Phelan's home.
(d) Josh meets with Nate's counselor.

5. What is the state of mind of the Phelan heirs after Troy's will is read?
(a) Happy.
(b) Confused.
(c) Despondent.
(d) Distraught.

6. To whom is the bulk of the estate left?
(a) Rachel.
(b) Troy's dog.
(c) Ramble.
(d) Charity.

7. What is the conclusion about sending someone to Brazil?
(a) They have no choice but to hire another lawyer.
(b) Nate is the best person for the firm.
(c) Nate will not represent the firm well.
(d) Josh is the best person for the firm.

8. What is Tira hoping to do?
(a) Kill off the other relatives to get more money.
(b) Seduce Josh to get more money.
(c) Manage Ramble's share of the money.
(d) Take Ramble's money from him.

9. What does Nate remember he brought along with his luggage?
(a) A satellite phone.
(b) An emergency locator beacon.
(c) A morse code transponder.
(d) A portable laptop with a satellite card.

10. Where does Nate think Rachel is?
(a) He has no idea.
(b) At the base of a mountain range a long way from there.
(c) In Sao Paulo.
(d) Back in Quinto.

11. Why is Nate pleased with Josh's offer?
(a) It will get him out of the country for the holidays.
(b) He feels good about Josh's respect.
(c) It shows the company hasn't fired him.
(d) It is something to connect him to his former life.

12. Why would the family's lawyers want the family to contest the will when it says anyone who contests it gets nothing?
(a) They think the will is unjust.
(b) They are not the best lawyers in the world.
(c) They are greedy for retainer fees.
(d) They would enjoy pitting themselves against the system.

13. What does Fernando tell Jevy?
(a) That the woman missionary died last month.
(b) That they are off-course.
(c) That there is a woman missionary around the area.
(d) That the woman missionary is no longer there.

14. For what does Josh develop a strategy?
(a) For keeping the family off balance.
(b) For paying taxes on the estate.
(c) For dividing the estate evenly among the family members.
(d) For revealing his deceased client's wishes.

15. What does Josh provide Nate?
(a) Fifty-thousand dollars retainer fee.
(b) An alias and a passport.
(c) Money and clothing.
(d) Nate's transportation and trip itinerary.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Josh only give information that was required by law to the probate judge?

2. In accordance with Troy's wishes, what does Josh do?

3. To whom does Marco introduce the three men?

4. What is requested in the will?

5. What are Phelan's assets approximately worth?

(see the answer keys)

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