The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision Test | Final Test - Hard

James Redfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision Test | Final Test - Hard

James Redfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Charlene in the life of the Native American war?

2. What does Charlene say is the reason she is in the valley?

3. How does the narrator get out of where he was drawn?

4. In the beginning of Chapter 8, what does Webber tell the narrator to do?

5. With what does Feyman walk?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the narrator tell about a previous life of his as a monk?

2. After Charlene and Maya escape from Feyman, what do Webber and the Narrator do?

3. What does Wil say about the scenarios the narrator saw?

4. What does the narrator realize about all his previous lives and what he thinks is needed to change the trend?

5. What do Wil and the narrator see when they experience Feyman's Life Review?

6. What does the narrator urge Wil to do?

7. How does the narrator describe hell in Chapter 7?

8. What does the narrator discuss with Wil concerning the Christian church?

9. In Chapter 8, what does the narrator hear as he returns to the physical plane and what does Webber tell him about the noise?

10. What happens when the Group decide to try and end the Experiment by combining their energies?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What the author is researching and discovering are old truths recycled here as they have been throughout the centuries. It could be argued that this is part of his narrative and thematic point, that humanity has been aware of the truths being espoused but has been unwilling and/or unable to fully act on them (because, the narrator/author would probably say) of the Fear.

1. Why do you think the truths the author is espousing are old ones known and thought about throughout the ages? Use examples to support your opinion. Use research if necessary.

2. Do you think that that the author writing about old truths is part of his narrative and thematic point, that humanity has been aware of the truths being espoused but has been unwilling and/or unable to fully act on them? Why or why not? Use examples to support your opinion.

3. How do you think fear blocks people from becoming enlightened? How much do you think human reactions and behaviors are based on fear? Use examples to support your opinion.

Essay Topic 2

The appearances of Joel and Maya also function on the thematic/spiritual level of analysis, in that Joel (as an embodiment of the Fear) offers a stark view of the manifestations of the Fear's power on the physical plane, while Maya (as an embodiment of enlightenment) offers a clear portrayal of the power of more evolved energy.

1. Explain, with examples, why Joel's personality offers a stark view of the manifestations of the Fear's power on the physical plane.

2. Explain, with examples, why Maya's personality (as an embodiment of enlightenment) offers a clear portrayal of the power of more evolved energy.

3. Discuss the probability that good and evil in two different people is not so nearly clear cut in the real world.

Essay Topic 3

There are three clearly defined sections to Chapter 9. The first and third continue the process of entwining the novel's narrative and spiritual intent, moving the characters towards confrontations with their external and internal destinies. The author is not, it seems, striving to create a logical narrative, but rather to lead the reader into a broader experience of spiritual possibility and understanding. The lengthy middle section of the book, while undeniably preachy, is a clear explanation of what the author sees that possibility and understanding bring into being.

1. Using examples explain how you perceive sections one and three of Chapter 9 move the characters towards confrontations with their external and internal destinies.

2. The author is not, it seems, striving to create a logical narrative, but rather to lead the reader into a broader experience of spiritual possibility and understanding. Do you think this statement is true? Why or why not? When you read this book, was the narrative important to you or only the exploration of the spiritual understanding? Why or why not?

3. The lengthy middle section of the book, while undeniably preachy, is a clear explanation of what the author sees that possibility and understanding bring into being. Explain, with examples, whether you think that author has fulfilled this statement.

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