The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision Test | Final Test - Easy

James Redfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision Test | Final Test - Easy

James Redfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Charlene say is the reason she is in the valley?
(a) She was looking for the narrator.
(b) She had received an anonymous phone call.
(c) She was manipulated by Feyman.
(d) She grew up in that valley.

2. What does Charlene do while the guards are distracted by Maya?
(a) Hits Feyman over the head.
(b) Grabs one of the guard's guns.
(c) Throws a rock in the Experiment's machinery.
(d) Escapes.

3. Who does the narrator recognize where he is drawn?
(a) Williams.
(b) The military commander of the white/Indian confrontation.
(c) Feyman's soul group.
(d) Long Eagle.

4. What type of thought does the narrator attribute to the Far East?
(a) Yoga.
(b) Power of contemplation, enlightenment, and spiritual harmony.
(c) Worshiping ancestors.
(d) Praying to oneself.

5. What does the narrator say has been edited out of the Christian Bible?
(a) The actual words of Jesus about reincarnation.
(b) The Gnostic Gospels.
(c) Any mention of the World Vision.
(d) Any information about other planes of existence.

6. What do Wil and the narrator learn from Feyman's Birth Vision?
(a) He was born to help achieve democracy in the Middle East.
(b) He was born to help achieve transcendent energy efficiency.
(c) He was supposed to be president of America.
(d) He was supposed to be a doctor.

7. What do the narrator and Wil learn from Feyman's life review about Feyman and the white/Indian confrontation?
(a) He was a chief killed then.
(b) He was the brother of the military leader.
(c) His silence led to the military victory.
(d) He was Charlene's husband.

8. Why can't the allies recapture the energy they had in the cave?
(a) They have been drugged.
(b) The dissonance is too frequent.
(c) The eruptions of energy from the Experiment stop them.
(d) They are fighting again.

9. What people does the narrator say espoused the idea of one God first?
(a) The Celtics.
(b) The Romans.
(c) Ancient Greece.
(d) The Hebrews.

10. Who do the four allies see when they go into the underground bunker?
(a) Park rangers.
(b) Long Eagle.
(c) Feyman.
(d) Wil.

11. What type of job did the narrator have the first time he met Maya and Webber?
(a) A muscian.
(b) A trapper.
(c) A pony express rider.
(d) A calvary officer.

12. What does the author see as originating in Ancient Greece?
(a) Democracy.
(b) Fishing fleets.
(c) Education.
(d) Communism.

13. What was the narrator's ultimate end in the previous life he envisioned?
(a) He was shot during a war.
(b) He drowned.
(c) He was executed.
(d) He caught a disease from a patient.

14. How does the narrator get out of where he was drawn?
(a) Charlene calls to him.
(b) The dissonance sound happens again.
(c) A white blurr pushes him away.
(d) Wil pulls him.

15. Wil says people who are unable to let go of their life on earth live where?
(a) In their familiar places on earth.
(b) In a self-imposed, self-created Hell.
(c) In the ether surrounding the earth.
(d) Nowhere.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened to the Gnostic Gospels?

2. What happens to the four allies as they advance towards the Experiment?

3. What does Wil say is the system that fails to deal with the Fear in contemporary life?

4. What do the four allies do when they reunite after getting away from the bunker?

5. Where does Webber see Charlene taken?

(see the answer keys)

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