The Tears of Autumn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Charles McCarry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tears of Autumn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Charles McCarry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What changes the young woman's rudeness to Paul at a garden door?
(a) Her older brother yelling at her.
(b) A piece of paper Paul hands her.
(c) Recognizing Paul whom she has dated.
(d) Her father yelling at her.

2. With what does Webster have difficulty?
(a) Protecting a President he hates.
(b) Investigating a case involving a good friend.
(c) Living in such a cold climate.
(d) Interpreting phone codes.

3. What becomes Paul's alias?
(a) P. C. Walker.
(b) Chris Paulson.
(c) P. S. Offen.
(d) P.S. Runner.

4. What does Paul suggest to Truong toc about the young woman he first met at the garden door?
(a) To show more respect to an older male.
(b) To learn better English.
(c) To be kept from answering the garden door.
(d) To hide her contempt.

5. Who does Christopher pay off?
(a) Luong.
(b) His girlfriend.
(c) A Russian agent.
(d) His ex-wife.

6. What does Foley believe?
(a) That JFK deserves to die.
(b) That Paul is mental.
(c) That LBJ needs to be protected more securely.
(d) Paul's assertions.

7. What does David say about the "outfit" as regards the Ngo men?
(a) The outfit had to kill them to protect their agents in Vietnam.
(b) The outfit wanted to kill them, but someone beat them to it.
(c) The outfit has nothing to do with their murders.
(d) The outfit orders the murders but Vietnamese agents do the killings.

8. Who fires a pistol at Paul as he leaves the Truong toc's home?
(a) The man who kills Luong.
(b) No one.
(c) Wolkowicz.
(d) Ho's son.

9. Why does Paul love Molly?
(a) She allows him the space he needs.
(b) She is funny and charming.
(c) She is not part of his past.
(d) She accepts him for himself.

10. How do the Websters respond to Paul's resignation?
(a) They think Paul is wise to resign.
(b) Confusion.
(c) Elation.
(d) With sorrow, information and money.

11. Where does Webster have Molly investigated?
(a) Canberra.
(b) Tokyo.
(c) Laos.
(d) Bangkok.

12. What does Paul see that he pieces together?
(a) A torn up letter from a Russian spy.
(b) Bits of information from other agents.
(c) Mental images.
(d) Newspaper clippings.

13. What is Truong toc's response to Ho's recommendation that they kill Paul?
(a) The Truong toc says enough bloodshed has gone on.
(b) The Truong toc says Paul is more dangerous as a dead martyr.
(c) The Truong toc declares him harmless.
(d) The Truong toc will consider it.

14. Where is the safe house in Washington, D.C.?
(a) In the Georgetown area.
(b) On Q Street.
(c) Near the Pentagon.
(d) On Harbor Avenue.

15. Who does Paul pretend to be when visiting Woldowicz?
(a) An agent for the USSR.
(b) A reporter doing a story on the Ngos.
(c) An investor intrested in the opium trade.
(d) An investor interested in the Asian tea market.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why will learning a connection to Lê Thu be difficult right now?

2. What happens to Wolkowicz in WWII?

3. What does Paul need to investigate the JFK assassination?

4. Who does Paul contact in Vietnam?

5. About what does Kim talk to Paul while having lunch?

(see the answer keys)

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