The Tattooist of Auschwitz Test | Final Test - Easy

Heather Morris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tattooist of Auschwitz Test | Final Test - Easy

Heather Morris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Gita go to after she leaves Krakow?
(a) London.
(b) Budapest.
(c) New York.
(d) Bratislava.

2. What falls on Lale as he tattoos new arrivals the morning after the Romany's are rounded up?
(a) Raindrops.
(b) Flower petals.
(c) Snow.
(d) Ash.

3. When is Lale going to tell Gita what he saw in the crematorium?
(a) Probably never.
(b) When they both turn 50.
(c) When they have their first child.
(d) When they get out of the camp.

4. How does the physical appearance of the Gita's kapo change when Lale starts bribing her?
(a) She flaunts a diamond bracelet under her uniform.
(b) She gets fat.
(c) She gets gray-haired.
(d) She starts wearing glasses.

5. Where is the pick-up place for the transport of the girls to the chalet?
(a) The river.
(b) The bakery.
(c) The butcher shop.
(d) The schoolhouse.

6. What does the stationmaster at the train station do for Lale as Lale is traveling home?
(a) He gives him coffee and a sandwich.
(b) He offers him a night at his house.
(c) He agrees to help look for Gita.
(d) He pays for his ticket.

7. When Lale is performing manual labor, what happens to the last person to finish his task?
(a) He is shot by the SS officers.
(b) He is kicked and beaten.
(c) He is taken to the torture chamber.
(d) He is given double work on the next assignment.

8. What does Lale give Bella for helping him?
(a) A case of chocolate.
(b) A ring with rubies and diamonds.
(c) A mink coat.
(d) A wad of cash.

9. What is the first concentration camp that Lale is sent to after he is moved out of Auschwitz?
(a) Mauthausen.
(b) Treblinka.
(c) Bergen-Belsen.
(d) Dachau.

10. Why does the kapo of Gita's block not harass Lale?
(a) Because Baretski has told her not to interfere in Lale and Gita's relationship.
(b) Because the kapo is friendly with Gita.
(c) Because the kapo has a crush on Lale.
(d) Because the kapo does not care what happens in her block.

11. What does Lale do to Mendel's tattooed number?
(a) He covers over it with a big green block.
(b) He writes the words "Work Makes You Free" over the numbers.
(c) He turns it into a snake.
(d) He changes the numbers into a picture of a train.

12. Which of the following is NOT a result of more and more people coming into camp?
(a) Disputes occur over lack of respect for new arrivals.
(b) Turf wars increase between nationalities.
(c) Food rations are increased so that workers can build crematoriums faster.
(d) Quarrels erupt because the longest-term prisoners get perks.

13. What does Gita know about the loss of life that Lale does not?
(a) The personal information of each prisoner.
(b) The names of all the SS guards who are performing the executions.
(c) The exact number of prisoners who have been gassed.
(d) The locations of remaining family members of prisoners.

14. How many days does Yuri need to acquire what Lale has requested on behalf of Baretski?
(a) 30.
(b) 2.
(c) 7.
(d) 4.

15. Which of Gita's friends says she prefers dying in a field in Poland with her friends than going any further?
(a) Ivana.
(b) Bella.
(c) Cilka.
(d) Dana.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lale give to the surviving children after the guards have shot the people in the courtyard?

2. What does Jakub tell Lale about what he will do to him?

3. What does the waitress in the cafe ask Lale?

4. What do many of the prisoners scream when they see a plane flying overhead?

5. Where does Lale find the girls first?

(see the answer keys)

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