The Tale of Despereaux: Being the Story of a Mouse, a Princess, Some... Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tale of Despereaux: Being the Story of a Mouse, a Princess, Some... Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes Despereaux weep?
(a) Love and friendship, loss and loneliness.
(b) The loss of his tail.
(c) Fear and disappointment, nausea and loss.
(d) Exhaustion, despair and hope, joy and pain, gratitude.

2. What does Roscuro do first in his plan?
(a) He tells Mig about his plans.
(b) He chews through Gregory's rope.
(c) He finds the room the Princess is in.
(d) He finds a place to hide, upstairs.

3. What does Louise never do?
(a) Cry.
(b) Giggle.
(c) Curtsy.
(d) Laugh.

4. What does Roscuro want Pea to dress in?
(a) The gown she wore at the banquet.
(b) Mig's peasant dress.
(c) Her royal robe.
(d) Her traveling clothes.

5. What is the Princess making?
(a) A cape.
(b) A tapestry of the history of the world.
(c) A dress for the ball.
(d) A new tablecloth.

6. What was the King dreaming as Pea is led down to the dungeon?
(a) That the royal family was out for a ride through the Kingdom.
(b) That he and the queen were having soup.
(c) That the queen was a bird with green and gold feathers.
(d) That they were entertaining in the banquet hall.

7. What does Roscuro ask Despereaux to do?
(a) Leave him alone.
(b) Show him where the soup is.
(c) Kill him.
(d) Bring him some soup too.

8. What is the name of the head of the serving staff?
(a) Mary Beth.
(b) Bonnie.
(c) Deborah.
(d) Louise.

9. What do Mig's ears begin to resemble?
(a) Beets.
(b) Broccoli.
(c) Pancakes.
(d) Cauliflower.

10. What does Mig want to wear?
(a) A royal gown.
(b) A crown.
(c) A royal cape.
(d) The royal gems.

11. Who's food does Mig finally get told to deliver?
(a) The King's.
(b) The Princess's.
(c) Gregory's.
(d) The serving staff.

12. What does Mig call the Royal family?
(a) The Perfect People.
(b) Pretty people.
(c) The Beautiful.
(d) Human stars.

13. What does Roscuro smell on Despereaux's whiskers?
(a) Fear.
(b) Tears.
(c) Soup.
(d) Blood.

14. What is in her right pocket?
(a) A book about royalty.
(b) A rat with a spoon and a cape.
(c) A locket.
(d) A red napkin.

15. What job is Mig given on her first day?
(a) Take a sewing needle to the cook.
(b) Take a spool of thread to the princess.
(c) Take out the garbage.
(d) Take lunch to the dining room.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the Princess dreaming about when Mig approaches?

2. What does the Princess ask Mig?

3. What color is the Princess's horse?

4. How does Despereaux make some light as he goes down into the dungeon?

5. Why couldn't Mig work as a chambermaid?

(see the answer keys)

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