The Tain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Fergus fear Gaile Dana and his sons will kill Cuchulainn?
(a) They are crazy mean.
(b) They have poison on their weapons.
(c) They are much larger.
(d) There are so many of them.

2. Which lieutenant meets with Cuchulainn and strikes a truce?
(a) Lugaid.
(b) Fergus.
(c) Ailill.
(d) Conchobor.

3. Who mocks Fergus for going easy against his kinsmen at Ulster?
(a) Cuchulainn.
(b) Conchobor.
(c) Ailill.
(d) Medb.

4. Who suffers death by apple in Section VIII?
(a) Curoi.
(b) Etarcomol.
(c) Cur.
(d) The bull.

5. How does Cuchulainn kill the person sent to seize his javelin from him?
(a) With a noose.
(b) With a cold stare.
(c) With the javelin in his head.
(d) With a slingshot.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom is Finnabair smitten in Chapter XII?

2. Who is the shepherd responsible for bringing back the bull in Section VIII?

3. Which warrior refuses to fight Cuchulainn in Section VII?

4. Where is Cuchulainn taken to recuperate?

5. Who accompanied Fergus to offer Ailill's truce offer to Cuchulainn?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is it that Loch almost defeats Cuchulainn?

2. How does the army attempt to move Donn Cuailnge from Black Cauldron to Conaille?

3. Describe Cur's attack on Cuchulainn. Who wins the fight and how?

4. Why does Ailill mock Fergus after he loses his sword? In what other way does Ailill mock Fergus and why?

5. How many healers tell Cethern he is beyond help? Who is the royal healer that finally agrees to help him?

6. What is Cuchulainn's unusual connection with the gods? How does his god-like father help him heal as the great army gets closer to Ulster?

7. Why doesn't Cuchulainn kill Fergus whenever the army is nearing Ulster?

8. Who saves Cuchulainn's life as he faces a man and his 27 sons?

9. What causes Cuchulainn's massive killings to stop as Ailill and Medb's army approach?

10. What causes King Ailill's daughter Finnabair to fall dead?

(see the answer keys)

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