The Tain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the method of fighting used between Cuchulainn and the representative of Ailill's army at the end of Section VII?
(a) Sling shot.
(b) Guns.
(c) Hand to hand combat.
(d) Spear throwing.

2. Which warrior refuses to fight Cuchulainn in Section VII?
(a) Nadcranntail.
(b) Etarcomol.
(c) Fergus.
(d) Curoi.

3. Who is the shepherd responsible for bringing back the bull in Section VIII?
(a) Buide.
(b) Cuib.
(c) Cur.
(d) Cuchulainn.

4. Who helps Cuchulainn develop a fake beard?
(a) His charioteer.
(b) Fergus.
(c) His father.
(d) His servant.

5. What does the healer use to replace the Ulster warrior's missing ribs?
(a) Sticks.
(b) Chariot parts.
(c) Bones from a wombat.
(d) Gold.

6. Who suffers death by apple in Section VIII?
(a) The bull.
(b) Cur.
(c) Etarcomol.
(d) Curoi.

7. Whose sword is stolen in Section VI?
(a) Medb.
(b) Ailill.
(c) Fergus.
(d) Cronn.

8. Who warns Cuchulainn that Medb is planning to ambush him?
(a) Cur.
(b) Larene.
(c) Lugaid.
(d) Laeg.

9. What is the second weapon Cuchulainn and his foster-brother choose to fight with in Chapter XI?
(a) Iron darts and shields.
(b) Hands.
(c) Rocks.
(d) Spears.

10. Who falls dead from shame in Chapter XII after having been responsible for so many deaths?
(a) Fergus.
(b) Cuchulainn.
(c) Ailill.
(d) Finnabair

11. Which woman does Cuchulainn resist in Section VIII?
(a) Fedlem.
(b) Morrigan.
(c) Medb.
(d) An angel.

12. Who starts a war with Ailill's army after a truce is made with Rochad?
(a) Medb.
(b) Kings of Munster.
(c) The Galeoin Warriors.
(d) Finnabair.

13. With whom is Finnabair smitten in Chapter XII?
(a) Rochad.
(b) Ferdia.
(c) Fingin.
(d) Cethern.

14. What weapon does Cuchulainn take with him when he meets Medb at their "truce" meeting?
(a) Sword.
(b) Gun.
(c) Slingshot.
(d) Javelin.

15. Who describes the massive number of warriors in Chapter XIII by their lineage?
(a) Eric.
(b) Conchobor.
(c) Fergus.
(d) Mac Roth.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tries to get Cuchulainn to leave his foster-brother's corpse?

2. Who does Ailill make fun of for not being a real king?

3. Who do the king and queen believe to be their final solution in killing Cuchulainn?

4. How does Cuchulainn kill the person sent to seize his javelin from him?

5. What is the name of Cuchulainn's divine god-like father?

(see the answer keys)

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