The Sympathizer Test | Final Test - Medium

Viet Thanh Nguyen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sympathizer Test | Final Test - Medium

Viet Thanh Nguyen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What country has Vietnam invaded and seized in Chapter 23?
(a) Cambodia.
(b) Thailand.
(c) China.
(d) Laos.

2. What is the usual ration that the narrator receives in prison in Chapter 19?
(a) Bhan mi.
(b) Mashed potatoes.
(c) Pho.
(d) Boiled manioc.

3. What movie does the narrator go to see with Bon in Chapter 17?
(a) To Have and Have Not.
(b) The Hamlet.
(c) Apocalypse Now.
(d) Plattoon.

4. Where did the narrator, Bon, and Man swear their blood oath?
(a) In a tamarind grove.
(b) In a rice paddy.
(c) In an elm grove.
(d) In a salich grove.

5. What is Violet listed as in the credits for the film in Chapter 17?
(a) Director.
(b) Sound designer.
(c) Assistant producer.
(d) Leading actress.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the commissar offer the narrator to drink when he visits him for his last meeting in Chapter 23?

2. What does the commandant drink during his meeting with the narrator in Chapter 19?

3. What kind of gun does the commissar place in the narrator's hand in Chapter 22?

4. What phrase does the narrator describe as Ho Chi Minh's "empty suit" in Chapter 23?

5. Whose gold-painted bust sits in the commissar's office?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the question that the commissar says the narrator must answer in Chapter 20?

2. What is symbolized in the narrator's dream about the kapok tree in Chapter 13?

3. What is significant about Ms. Mori's family photos being set out in Chapter 13?

4. What is symbolized by the narrator's rucksack in the novel?

5. What is the answer to the question that the narrator must answer to the commmissar in the end of the novel?

6. Where does Claude take the narrator and Bon once they arrive in Thailand in Chapter 17?

7. How has the narrator's past year in the prison been described in Chapter 19?

8. What is the commandant questioning the narrator about in the beginning of Chapter 19?

9. How is the commissar described when the narrator finally meets him in Chapter 19?

10. What memory of his father's death does the narrator recall in Chapter 18?

(see the answer keys)

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