The Sword of Shannara Test | Final Test - Medium

Terry Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sword of Shannara Test | Final Test - Medium

Terry Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of creatures were guarding the tent of the Elf King?
(a) Trolls.
(b) Warlocks.
(c) Gnomes.
(d) Dwarves.

2. How do the gnomes scale the bluff at Tyrsis?
(a) They climb.
(b) They build ladders.
(c) They bring ramps.
(d) They use catapults.

3. What happens when Hendel tries to get Balinor out of jail?
(a) He is killed.
(b) He is imprisoned.
(c) He is banished.
(d) He is locked in the Tower.

4. What is used to save Flick and the Elf King when the Elf King can no longer fight?
(a) Wizard Fire.
(b) Elf Stones.
(c) Electricity.
(d) Poisoned Arrows.

5. Who enters as Menion is about to rescue Balinor?
(a) Allanon.
(b) Stenmin.
(c) Shirl.
(d) Palance.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is the power over Shea after he touches the Sword interrupted?

2. How does Balinor say the Gnome Army is being controlled?

3. Who puts Balinor on their shoulders in victory?

4. Who saves the men locked in the tower?

5. How does Menion escape after rescuing a woman?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when a Skull Bearer lands with Creel at Paranor?

2. Why does Menion feel that the plan to evacuate Kern must be kept quiet?

3. What does Creel allow Shea to do after meeting the Skull Bearer at Paranor?

4. What does Balinor think will happen if Tyrsis falls to the Gnome army?

5. What does Allanon do when he sees Shea coming out of the Mountain, and how does Shea respond to this?

6. What happens as Balinor begins to despair the fate of his men?

7. What does Keltset explain to his people through sign language?

8. What does Shirl suggest to Menion before they meet with Palance?

9. Why is it so important that the Elf King is found and returned to his Kingdom?

10. What makes Menion a hero in Kern?

(see the answer keys)

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