The Swiss Family Robinson Test | Final Test - Medium

Johann Rudolf Wyss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Swiss Family Robinson Test | Final Test - Medium

Johann Rudolf Wyss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What important substances does the narrator tell his sons can be obtained from fir trees?
(a) Tar.
(b) Edible seeds.
(c) Resin.
(d) Lightweight wood.

2. What is the first name that the family gives to their cave house?
(a) Cave House.
(b) The Cavern.
(c) Grottoburg.
(d) Rock House.

3. In Chapter 14, "A Casualty," what creature does the narrator cause to tow the pinnace to shore?
(a) A sea turtle.
(b) A dolphin.
(c) A shark.
(d) A manta ray.

4. In Chapter 16, "A Winged Steed," which family member thinks of a way to tame their "winged steed" through kindness?
(a) Ernest.
(b) Elizabeth.
(c) The narrator.
(d) Franz.

5. In Chapter 18, "Repairs and Fortifications," what clever way do the boys find of communicating across distances?
(a) Smoke signals.
(b) Semaphore flags.
(c) Tying messages to pigeons.
(d) Using gunshots as a kind of Morse code.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 17, "Bounty and Peril," the family works at "threshing" and "winnowing" a crop (268). What does this mean that they are doing?

2. How does the family celebrate the special occasion in Chapter 12, "Anniversary"?

3. Why does the narrator think that it is a good idea to keep rabbits on Whale Island?

4. In Chapter 13, "Unpleasant Tasks," what is the "unpleasant task" that the chapter title refers to?

5. In Chapter 15, "We Explore Inland," what new creature does Ernest discover and kill a great number of?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 14, "A Casualty," when the sea turtle is towing the pinnace, what do the boys call the narrator, and how does he respond?

2. In Chapter 15, "We Explore Inland," how does Ernest kill the muskrats, and what does he intend to do with them?

3. In Chapter 12, "Anniversary," how do Jack and Fritz wake the family, and how do their parents respond?

4. In Chapter 17, "Bounty and Peril," what new boat do they make and what is Elizabeth's reaction?

5. In Chapter 13, "Unpleasant Tasks," what improvements are made to the cave house during the winter?

6. In Chapter 18, "Repairs and Fortifications," what do the boys find has happened at Prospect Hill, and what is their response?

7. In Chapter 11, "Our Estates," what new source of potential danger does the family discover, and what do they decide to do about it?

8. In Chapter 14, "A Casualty," what dirty job does the family undertake, and what does it cause Elizabeth to suggest?

9. In Chapter 10, "Changing Seasons," how does the family bring water to Falconhurst?

10. In Chapter 12, "Anniversary," how does the narrator begin the athletic competition, and what is this incident intended to demonstrate about his character?

(see the answer keys)

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