The Swiss Family Robinson Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Johann Rudolf Wyss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Swiss Family Robinson Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Johann Rudolf Wyss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the family name "Falconhurst"?
(a) Their boat.
(b) The treehouse.
(c) One of the islands in the bay.
(d) Their first home.

2. On their way in to shore, what is it revealed that Jack has thought to bring along?
(a) Food for the dogs.
(b) The captain's spyglass.
(c) A revolver.
(d) A compass.

3. In Chapter 8, "The Pinnace," what creature does Jack mistake for a crocodile?
(a) A Komodo dragon
(b) A caiman.
(c) A water monitor.
(d) An iguana.

4. On their first day on the island, what creature attacks Jack in an inlet of the bay?
(a) A barracuda.
(b) A lobster.
(c) A shark.
(d) A seal.

5. Just as the narrator and Fritz are about to leave camp to explore for the first time, what does he suddenly remember that they have forgotten?
(a) One of the dogs.
(b) Their guns.
(c) To say goodbye to Elizabeth.
(d) To pray.

6. In Chapter 9, "A Growing Menagerie," why is the narrator pleased to find wax myrtle?
(a) The berries have important medical properties.
(b) They can use them to make wine.
(c) It will allow them to make candles.
(d) The berries are a delicious spice.

7. What does Ernest do that causes the narrator to criticize him for thinking he is "clever" (18)?
(a) Bend one of the gun barrels.
(b) Lecture his brothers about things he actually does not know about.
(c) Get himself stuck in the mud by the river.
(d) Sets his soup down to cool in a larger shell.

8. What two kinds of birds does the family first spot living along the shore?
(a) Geese and cranes.
(b) Flamingos and penguins.
(c) Geese and penguins.
(d) Flamingos and cranes.

9. Who thinks of eating their soup from oyster shells?
(a) The narrator.
(b) Jack.
(c) Ernest.
(d) Elizabeth.

10. What dangerous predator does Fritz shoot near their new home in the grove of trees?
(a) A tiger.
(b) A hyena.
(c) A margay.
(d) A wolf.

11. In Chapter 9, "A Growing Menagerie," what important substance does Fritz discover a supply of?
(a) Tar.
(b) Clay.
(c) Gypsum.
(d) Rubber.

12. How do the narrator and Fritz get the sheep and goats to shore?
(a) Swimming belts.
(b) The sheep and goats get themselves to shore.
(c) A raft.
(d) In their boat.

13. What is the first structure that the family lives in?
(a) A tent.
(b) A cave.
(c) A treehouse.
(d) A hut.

14. In Chapter 7, "Bread," when Jack and Ernest follow the narrator and Fritz to the bay, what message does the narrator give them for his wife?
(a) They are to tell Elizabeth that he has sent them and the dogs to guard her and Franz.
(b) They are to tell Elizabeth that he would like her to plant some more potatoes.
(c) They are to tell Elizabeth that he will look for a butter churn on the wreck.
(d) They are to tell Elizabeth that he and Fritz will be on the wreck overnight.

15. Why does the ship have so many useful supplies on board?
(a) No reason is actually given.
(b) Its mission was to resupply a colony.
(c) All ships of the time carried these things.
(d) The voyage was expected to be very long.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which animals does the family carry from the ship with them in their improvised boat?

2. When Fritz suggests that they make a basin at the stream, what material does the narrator say they will need?

3. When the narrator sees the tall, arching roots of the trees where they are going to build their home, what kind of tree does he say they are?

4. Who suggests that they build a raft to get to shore?

5. In Chapter 9, "A Growing Menagerie," what does the narrator explains prevents them from fully exploring the island?

(see the answer keys)

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