The Swiss Family Robinson Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Johann Rudolf Wyss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Swiss Family Robinson Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Johann Rudolf Wyss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the narrator and Fritz discover that they can make utensils out of?
(a) Turtle shells.
(b) Wood.
(c) Gourds.
(d) Mussel shells.

2. What two kinds of birds does the family first spot living along the shore?
(a) Geese and cranes.
(b) Geese and penguins.
(c) Flamingos and cranes.
(d) Flamingos and penguins.

3. In Chapter 8, "The Pinnace," what agreement does the narrator make with his wife?
(a) He will not take the children to the wreck anymore.
(b) He will not go to the wreck anymore.
(c) He will take Elizabeth to the wreck next time they go.
(d) He will not stay onboard the wreck overnight.

4. Why does the ship have so many useful supplies on board?
(a) No reason is actually given.
(b) Its mission was to resupply a colony.
(c) The voyage was expected to be very long.
(d) All ships of the time carried these things.

5. What is the narrator's first response to Juno and Turk?
(a) They will be helpful in hunting.
(b) They will be good security for the family.
(c) They will be able to help the family swim to shore.
(d) They are useless.

6. At the beginning of Chapter 7, "Bread," why is the narrator irritated with Jack and Ernest?
(a) They will not stop bothering him about being allowed to go to the wreck.
(b) They have been quarreling with one another.
(c) They have left camp without permission.
(d) They have eaten the potatoes the family needs for dinner.

7. What is the narrator's response when Ernest says that he wishes they could have some butter?
(a) He tells Ernest to stop wishing for things and sit down and eat like everybody else.
(b) He says that he will look for a butter churn on board the ship.
(c) He asks Ernest if he has any ideas about how to make butter on the island.
(d) He is pleased to be able to surprise the family with some butter from the ship.

8. From the speed of nightfall, what does the narrator deduce?
(a) Their island is unexpectedly large.
(b) They must be near the equator.
(c) There must be mountains somewhere past the cliffs.
(d) They are farther West than he had imagined.

9. What does the narrator like about their original camping site?
(a) It is the best place from which to signal passing ships.
(b) It has plenty of space to expand their dwelling.
(c) It is easily defended and close to the shipwreck.
(d) It is close to fresh water and fishing.

10. What suggestion does Fritz make about their barrel boat?
(a) That they scrap it in favor of a flat raft.
(b) That they seal the barrels with sap.
(c) That they attach a mast and sail.
(d) That they create outriggers to stabilize it.

11. What does Jack find in the captain's cabin?
(a) A supply of wine.
(b) Several swords and a knife.
(c) Two large dogs.
(d) A map that shows their position.

12. Who is the original author of The Swiss Family Robinson?
(a) Alexander Selkirk.
(b) Johann Wyss.
(c) Mary Jane Godwin.
(d) Daniel DeFoe.

13. On their way in to shore, what is it revealed that Jack has thought to bring along?
(a) A revolver.
(b) Food for the dogs.
(c) The captain's spyglass.
(d) A compass.

14. In Chapter 8, "The Pinnace," what new weapon does the narrator make for his sons?
(a) A catapult.
(b) A boomerang.
(c) A crossbow.
(d) A bola.

15. What is the narrator's usual criticism of Jack?
(a) He spends too much time thinking.
(b) He is too emotional.
(c) He is immature and impulsive.
(d) He has a quick temper.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the family decide to call the bay where they first came ashore?

2. At the beginning of Chapter 4, "Back to the Wreck," what do the narrator and Elizabeth decide their next priority should be?

3. Who discovers oysters and salt?

4. In Chapter 8, "The Pinnace," what instruction does the narrator give his sons on the Sunday at Falconhurst?

5. What does the family name "Falconhurst"?

(see the answer keys)

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