The Swiss Family Robinson Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Johann Rudolf Wyss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Swiss Family Robinson Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Johann Rudolf Wyss
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: Chapter 16 ("A Winged Steed") through Chapter 18 ("Repairs and Fortifications").

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What suggestion does Fritz make about their barrel boat?
(a) That they scrap it in favor of a flat raft.
(b) That they create outriggers to stabilize it.
(c) That they attach a mast and sail.
(d) That they seal the barrels with sap.

2. In Chapter 16, "A Winged Steed," which family member thinks of a way to tame their "winged steed" through kindness?
(a) Franz.
(b) The narrator.
(c) Ernest.
(d) Elizabeth.

3. In Chapter 17, "Bounty and Peril," what crop does the family harvest "Italian style" (266)?
(a) Manioc.
(b) Sugar cane.
(c) Grain.
(d) Potatoes.

4. In Chapter 11, "Our Estates," where does the family decide to keep their supply of gunpowder?
(a) In a hut near their cave.
(b) On one of the islands in the bay.
(c) At Falconhurst.
(d) Inside the cave they will be living in.

5. When the tree house is proposed, what is the narrator's response?
(a) A house in the trees would never be safe for Franz.
(b) That would keep us safe from animals on the ground.
(c) That would be a great idea, if we could fly.
(d) It is too difficult to get materials up so high to build.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the narrator sees the tall, arching roots of the trees where they are going to build their home, what kind of tree does he say they are?

2. In Chapter 10, "Changing Seasons," what animal makes a noise in the woods that terrifies the family?

3. Who discovers the grove of trees where the family will later build their treehouse?

4. What wild bird is the family's first addition to their flock?

5. Chapter 10, "Changing Seasons," what does the family find that will allow Elizabeth to make cloth?

(see the answer key)

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