The Sweetness of Water Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Nathan Harris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sweetness of Water Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Nathan Harris
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II (Pages 73 - 145, Chapters 8 - 11).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 9, why is Ted mad at George?
(a) For taking his land.
(b) For having Prentiss and Landry working for him.
(c) For setting the fire.
(d) For stealing his wife.

2. What is one thing George loves to do that is unusual for a man of his time?
(a) Sing.
(b) Clean.
(c) Cook.
(d) Dance.

3. What has George waited to tell his wife?
(a) That the mule died.
(b) That their son is dead.
(c) That he is sick.
(d) That they are losing the house.

4. In Chapter 3, what does Prentiss do for Landry at the very beginning of the chapter?
(a) Massage his feet.
(b) Give him water.
(c) Dance for him.
(d) Sing to him.

5. What does Landry know about Prentiss?
(a) Prentiss wants to get married.
(b) The two will never be separated.
(c) Prentiss will leave him soon.
(d) Prentiss was their mother's favorite.

Short Answer Questions

1. What war is just ending?

2. What does Mrs. Beddenfeld borrow from Isabelle?

3. Who is one of the first visitors to the Walker's house after news of Caleb's death?

4. Why does Landry get beaten so often?

5. Who does Caleb go to see in town?

(see the answer key)

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