The Surgeon's Mate Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Surgeon's Mate Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Maturin hint to Aubrey at Aubrey's home?
(a) That Aubrey will soon be back in command on a vessel.
(b) That Sophie may be pregnant again.
(c) That Maturin will help Aubrey financially.
(d) That Aubrey should refuse all correspondence from Smith.

2. Who meets with D'Ullastret?
(a) Samaurez.
(b) Nelson.
(c) Hornblower.
(d) Aubrey.

3. What does the fortress garrison decide?
(a) To defect to the British cause.
(b) To let Maturin go but to stay loyal to the French.
(c) To hold Maturin hostage.
(d) To pretend friendship to lure the Ariel in close.

4. What does Pellworm predict as he is put ashore?
(a) A sneak attack by the French.
(b) More disasters.
(c) The weather to worsen.
(d) The weather to break.

5. What disaster strikes the Ariel?
(a) The mizzenmast cracks.
(b) Its chronometer breaks.
(c) Its pinion rudder breaks.
(d) There is an explosion onboard.

6. Why does Aubrey get struck with a piece of hard meat?
(a) Hyde is clumsy at cutting food.
(b) Jagiello gets frustrated trying to cut his meat with his remaining hand and slams his fork down and sends the meat flying into Aubrey.
(c) Aurbrey walks in the kitchen to get tea when the cook is tossing the meat across the room to a bin.
(d) A sailor gets angry and throws it at another sailor but misses and it hits Aubrey.

7. Why is Pellworm uncomfortable?
(a) He does not like the British.
(b) He is afraid of encountering the French.
(c) He does not like the Catalans.
(d) He says there are bad omens about the voyage.

8. Who does Aubrey warn in a small boat?
(a) Some fishermen.
(b) Some local scavengers.
(c) No one.
(d) Some officers from the Minnie.

9. What does Pellworm say about the voyage?
(a) That it is doomed.
(b) That they should turn back.
(c) That they should pull into a quiety bay and wait for a few days.
(d) That they should go forward as fast as possible.

10. Why does Minnie slow down?
(a) Her main sail is shredded from the cannon fire from the Ariel.
(b) Her main said and topsail get twisted together.
(c) She runs aground a mud flat.
(d) She hits an underground reef.

11. How long does it take to get the Minnie ready to sail?
(a) Many hours.
(b) A week.
(c) An hour or two.
(d) Three days.

12. Why is celestial navigation out of the question?
(a) They do not have a sextant.
(b) The charts for extrapolation were lost overboard in the last fight.
(c) Their navigator died while at Grimsholm.
(d) Overcast skies.

13. Who does Maturin greet?
(a) His godfather's daughter.
(b) His godfather.
(c) His cousin.
(d) His godfather's son.

14. Who is waiting to greet the crew of the Ariel as they come ashore?
(a) French soldiers.
(b) A pirate band.
(c) French peasants.
(d) No one.

15. What does Maturin think the meeting with the commander of Grimsholm will require?
(a) Lots of patience.
(b) Slow, methodical interaction.
(c) He is unsure.
(d) Nimble thinking.

Short Answer Questions

1. How accurate is Maturin's watch?

2. What does Maturin think would happen to an unfamiliar warship approaching Grimsholm?

3. Why does Ariel intervene in the chase?

4. What does Maturin tell Blaine?

5. What does Aubrey feel a few hours later?

(see the answer keys)

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