The Sun Is Also a Star Test | Final Test - Easy

Nicola Yoon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Is Also a Star Test | Final Test - Easy

Nicola Yoon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What song by ABBA does Daniel perform for Natasha at the karaoke bar?
(a) "Take a Chance on Me."
(b) "Dancing Queen."
(c) "Money, Money, Money."
(d) "Mamma Mia."

2. What song by Soundgarden does Natasha perform at the karaoke club for Daniel?
(a) "Fell on Black Days."
(b) "Burden in my Hand."
(c) "Black Hole Sun."
(d) "Spoonman."

3. How many hits does Daniel get when he googles "Natasha Facebook New York City"?
(a) 4,002,000.
(b) 230,000.
(c) 5,780,000.
(d) 34,000.

4. What does Natasha tell Daniel he is waiting for when they argue by Central Park?
(a) Someone to stand up.
(b) Someone to be his muse.
(c) Someone to save him.
(d) Blind luck.

5. What color are Jeremy Fitzgerald's eyes described as in the narrative?
(a) Green.
(b) Blue.
(c) Black.
(d) Gray.

6. What kind of business did Dae Hyun's father operate in South Korea?
(a) A crab fishing business.
(b) A dairy store.
(c) A rice paddy farm.
(d) An oyster trading business.

7. What kind of restaurant do Daniel and Natasha go to for lunch?
(a) A taco stand.
(b) A gyro stand.
(c) A pizza joint.
(d) A dubu joint.

8. What does Daniel do when Charlie insults Natasha during their confrontation at his father's store?
(a) He punches him.
(b) He walks away.
(c) He kisses him.
(d) He hugs him.

9. What event do both Natasha and Daniel witness on the subway when they are trying to reconnect after Natasha's appointment with the attorney?
(a) A flash mob.
(b) A breakup.
(c) A holdup.
(d) A dumpster fire.

10. At what stop do Daniel and Natasha get off the subway train after leaving the karaoke club?
(a) The 81st Street station.
(b) The Christopher Street Station.
(c) The 57nd Street Station.
(d) The 23rd Street Station.

11. With whom does Jeremy Fitzgerald suggest he will file an appeal with for Natasha's family?
(a) The United States Homeland Security.
(b) The United State Board of Immigration.
(c) The Board of Prosecution.
(d) The Board of Immigration Appeals.

12. When did the dominance of South Koreans in the black hair industry begin, according to the narrator in “Hair: A Korean American History"?
(a) The 1980s.
(b) The 1970s.
(c) The 1950s.
(d) The 1960s.

13. What word does Natasha describe having marked wrong on her first spelling quiz in English class while having lunch with Daniel?
(a) "Favorite."
(b) "Honor."
(c) "Justice."
(d) "Holiday."

14. What does the sister Lachesis hold in her hands in the description from “Fate: A History"?
(a) A shield.
(b) A sword.
(c) A rod.
(d) An hourglass.

15. How does the narrator say Dae Hyun Bae thinks of poverty in “Dae Hyun Bae"?
(a) As a kind of contagion.
(b) As a way of life.
(c) As a lesson in life.
(d) As a necessary evil.

Short Answer Questions

1. What food did Natasha's father go to buy for his family on the night of his play debut in “Natasha Kingsley: A Daughter’s History"?

2. How long after Natasha's family moved to the United States was her brother Peter born?

3. What is the mohawked couple doing when Daniel gets off the train as he tries to find Natasha?

4. Why does Natasha tell Daniel he is like her father when they fight near Central Park?

5. Natasha states after leaving the karaoke club that one of the things she likes the most about New York City is that it deflects any attempts a person makes to do what?

(see the answer keys)

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