The Sun Does Shine Test | Final Test - Medium

Anthony Ray Hinton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 193 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sun Does Shine Test | Final Test - Medium

Anthony Ray Hinton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 193 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 15, how many books in addition to the Bible were prisoners allowed to have on death row?
(a) 3.
(b) 2.
(c) 1.
(d) 4.

2. What was the name of the Black boy Henry Hays and other white guys lynched in Mobile in 1981?
(a) Michael Donald.
(b) Steven Richards.
(c) William Andrews.
(d) Charles Peters.

3. When did Judge Laura Petro rule on whether Payne was a qualified expert?
(a) April 2009.
(b) January 2009.
(c) March 2009.
(d) February 2009.

4. At the time ballistics showed the bullets from Buhlar Hinton's gun did not match the bullets from the murders and robberies, how long had Hinton been in prison?
(a) 16 years.
(b) 17 years.
(c) 14 years.
(d) 15 years.

5. Where had Jimmy Dill been going to school when he was convicted of robbing a killing a man for cocaine and a couple hundred dollars?
(a) Nursing school.
(b) Alabama State University.
(c) Tech school.
(d) The University of Alabama.

Short Answer Questions

1. What Supreme Court Justice wrote that Hinton might have been executed if the Surpeme Court had not ruled for further hearings in state court?

2. When Hinton told Stevenson he wanted to go to the Supreme Court, what type of pie did he remember eating out of the vending machine over the last decades?

3. What book did Jimmy Dill ask to borrow from Hinton?

4. How old was George and Lynda Sibley's son when they killed a police officer in 1993?

5. Where was death row for women in Alabama?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Hinton sleep in a bathroom the first night he was free?

2. What were the qualifications of the ballistics experts Stevenson hired for Hinton?

3. Why was Henry Hays on death row?

4. What scars did Hinton have from watching so many men die?

5. What did Hinton's mother always tell him, and how did that affect how he dealt with the guards and the warden?

6. What did Hinton say the men on death row were if they were not monsters?

7. How did Hinton react when he learned his mother died?

8. In 2002, why did the attorney general say that Hinton should be blocked from establishing his innocence?

9. What type of ballistic expert did Hinton tell Stevenson he needed?

10. Why did Hinton decide to start a book club?

(see the answer keys)

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