The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 63 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 63 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is John Byro's occupation?
(a) Merchant.
(b) Farmer.
(c) Teacher.
(d) Carpenter.

2. What type of bird is Mourad nursing back to health when Aram finds him outside his house?
(a) A robin.
(b) A woodpecker.
(c) A chickadee.
(d) A goldfinch.

3. What does Byro speak about when he is at Aram's house?
(a) His aching body.
(b) His new barn.
(c) His home country.
(d) His stolen horse.

4. What does Khosrove say to Byro about the body pains he complains of?
(a) He tells him to have a drink and forget it.
(b) He says he understands for he has pain too.
(c) He tells him to see a doctor.
(d) He tells him not to pay attention to it.

5. What does Mourad tell John Byro the name of his horse is?
(a) White Lightning.
(b) My Heart.
(c) Snowflake.
(d) My Dear.

6. What does Khosrove say they all lost when Byro speaks of his horse?
(a) Their homeland.
(b) Their wealth.
(c) Their families.
(d) Their horses.

7. How long did John Byro have to walk to get to Aram's house?
(a) 5 miles.
(b) 13 miles.
(c) 20 miles.
(d) 10 miles.

8. What part of Byro's body does he say aches?
(a) His back.
(b) Both knees.
(c) His right arm.
(d) His left leg.

9. Where is John Byro from?
(a) Assyria.
(b) Egypt.
(c) America.
(d) Armenia.

10. Who is the second visitor at Aram's house the afternoon he rode the horse with Mourad?
(a) John Byro.
(b) Zorab.
(c) Uncle Khosrove.
(d) Arak.

11. Where does Aram go after John Byro leaves his house?
(a) The barbershop.
(b) Byro's farm.
(c) Mourad's house.
(d) Khosrove's house.

12. Though Byro knows the horse looks just like his, why does he refuse to believe the boys stole it?
(a) Because of their families reputation for honesty.
(b) Because his horse is so well behaved.
(c) Because he does not think they are smart enough to pull it off.
(d) Because they have plenty of money to buy their own horse.

13. What does Mourad tell Aram about his relationship with the horse?
(a) Mourad tells Aram he is in full control of the horse.
(b) Mourad tells Aram that it is like a father and son relationship.
(c) Mourad tells Aram that it is a simple and honest relationship.
(d) Mourad tells Aram you have to be rough with a horse to get it to listen.

14. What is the longest amount of time Mourad says they should keep the horse?
(a) Forever.
(b) 1 year.
(c) 6 months.
(d) 2 years.

15. How old does Mourad tell Aram he will be when he can better handle a horse?
(a) 11.
(b) 13.
(c) 18.
(d) 16.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is said to be awake by the time Mourad returns with the horse?

2. How much did the horse cost John Byro?

3. What does Aram ask Mourad after he tells him he knows a place to hide the horse?

4. How does Khosrove react to John Pyro's discussion of his horse?

5. What grows on the land where the boys returned the horse?

(see the answer keys)

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