The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 63 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 63 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mourad say when Aram says he wishes he had a way with horses too?
(a) Mourad tells Aram that he will when he is older.
(b) Mourad tells Aram he will never have a way with horses.
(c) Mourad tells Aram to keep dreaming.
(d) Mourad tells Aram it is in his blood.

2. How much did the horse cost John Byro?
(a) $60.
(b) $36.
(c) $6.
(d) $16.

3. What does Mourad tell Aram about his relationship with the horse?
(a) Mourad tells Aram that it is like a father and son relationship.
(b) Mourad tells Aram he is in full control of the horse.
(c) Mourad tells Aram that it is a simple and honest relationship.
(d) Mourad tells Aram you have to be rough with a horse to get it to listen.

4. Who is the former owner of the land where Mourad and Aram bring the horse?
(a) Fetvajian.
(b) Felix.
(c) Friederich.
(d) Finneas.

5. What does John Byro tell Aram's mother about his horse after the boys return it?
(a) He says he is sure her son stole the horse.
(b) He says the police are searching for the horse thief.
(c) He says the horse is stronger and more well behaved.
(d) He says the horse is weak and frail.

6. How does Khosrove react to John Pyro's discussion of his horse?
(a) He offers to get the scoundrel who stole his horse.
(b) He tells him he should not cry over a lost horse.
(c) He sympathizes with him.
(d) He tells him to contact the authorities.

7. How old does Mourad tell Aram he will be when he can better handle a horse?
(a) 18.
(b) 13.
(c) 16.
(d) 11.

8. Where does Mourad bring the horse after they were done riding him?
(a) A deserted vineyard.
(b) An irrigation ditch.
(c) A neighbor's house.
(d) His best friend's barn.

9. How long did John Byro have to walk to get to Aram's house?
(a) 10 miles.
(b) 5 miles.
(c) 13 miles.
(d) 20 miles.

10. What does Byro speak about when he is at Aram's house?
(a) His new barn.
(b) His home country.
(c) His stolen horse.
(d) His aching body.

11. What is the longest amount of time Mourad says they should keep the horse?
(a) 6 months.
(b) 2 years.
(c) Forever.
(d) 1 year.

12. What do the people who visit Aram's house the afternoon he rode the horse come for?
(a) Coffee and donuts.
(b) Brandy and cigarettes.
(c) Coffee and cigarettes.
(d) Sandwiches and milk.

13. What grows on the land where the boys returned the horse?
(a) Walnuts and olives.
(b) Wheat and barley.
(c) Oats and alfalfa.
(d) Grapes and potatoes.

14. What does Khosrove says when Byro mentions how far he walked to reach them?
(a) You should have called a taxi.
(b) You have legs.
(c) You poor thing.
(d) I would have picked you up.

15. How long do Mourad and Aram ride the horse every day before bumping into John Byro?
(a) 2 weeks.
(b) 6 weeks.
(c) 1 year.
(d) 6 months.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aram do as soon as he returns home?

2. What does Aram beg Mourad not to do when he speaks to him after seeing John Byro?

3. What type of bird is Mourad nursing back to health when Aram finds him outside his house?

4. How does Mourad respond when Aram asks how long ago he stole the horse?

5. What does Mourad tell Aram about the horse while they are walking home after they rode it?

(see the answer keys)

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