The Subtle Knife Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Subtle Knife Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Dust tell Dr. Malone that she must take the role of?
(a) Martyr
(b) Angel
(c) Serpent
(d) Disciple

2. What happens to the first Zeppelin that makes it go down in flames?
(a) It is struck by lightening
(b) It malfunctions
(c) It is hit by a blast from Lee's little gun
(d) An angel attacks it

3. What does Will think they Specters actually do when they attack people?
(a) Take thier will power
(b) Take their memories
(c) Eat their daemons
(d) Scarmble their brains

4. What question does Serafina ask Will when they first meet?
(a) Why are the Specters afraid of him
(b) Is he the bearer of the subtle knife
(c) Why were the children attacking them
(d) Who is his father

5. What does the old man show Will as proof that Will is to be the new bearer of the knife?
(a) He and Will have the same name
(b) He and Will share the same birthmark
(c) Will is carrying a letter about the knife from his father
(d) He and Will are missing the same fingers

Short Answer Questions

1. What does John say the ring was supposed to do?

2. Who comes in to see Dr. Malone and Dr. Payne?

3. What does Grumman explain happened to the two men that came through the window with him into the other world?

4. What does Lee tell Hester that this duty is based on?

5. What does Pantalaimon say the young man in the tower looked to be doing?

(see the answer keys)

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