The Subtle Knife Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Subtle Knife Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Will say when Lyra apologizes for not having used the alethiometer to help him find his father?
(a) He comforts her
(b) He tells her that he is ashamed of his behavior also
(c) He doesn't care if she is sorry or not
(d) He laughs

2. What does Thorold tell Serafina that he believes Lord Asriel is attempting to do?
(a) Destroy the church
(b) Prove that angels exists
(c) Save Lyra
(d) Destroy the Authority

3. What do the men in the bar say that Stanislaus Grumman's interests were in?
(a) The aurora
(b) Rock oil
(c) Philosophical things
(d) Magical items

4. What do the men ask Will's mother about when they come to see her?
(a) A golden compass
(b) A lost cat
(c) Wil's father
(d) Her money

5. What does Dr. Malone call her computer that she uses to communicate with the Shadows?
(a) The Brain
(b) Smoke Signals
(c) The Cave
(d) The Phone

6. What does Will stop and buy?
(a) A camera to capture anything important
(b) Supplies so he will look like he is on a school project
(c) Some gum
(d) A disposable cell phone

7. What does John tell his wife he will bring her at the end of his last letter?
(a) A spirit of hir own
(b) A picture of the anomaly
(c) A souvenir from the spirit world
(d) A jug of glacier water

8. What does Angelica tell Lyra and Will it is that has made the grown ups leave?
(a) Specter
(b) Witches
(c) Members of the church
(d) A religious holiday

9. What does Will decide to do rather than phoning his mother?
(a) Send her a text message
(b) Send her a telegram
(c) Write her a post card
(d) Send her flowers

10. What does Lyra produce when Will asks her if she has any money?
(a) Gold
(b) A credit card
(c) A blank check book
(d) Jewels

11. What does Lyra tell Will would happen to the alethiometer if she began using it to spy on people for her enjoyment?
(a) It would charge admission
(b) It would make her ill
(c) It would begin reading false
(d) It would stop working

12. What does the man tell Serafina that he has seen when she asks if he has seen Lyra?
(a) Demons
(b) Zombies
(c) Angels
(d) Yeti

13. What do Will and Lyra find the children of Cittagazze are fighting?
(a) Dog
(b) Cat
(c) Witch
(d) Alligator

14. What does Lyra show Dr. Malone in an attempt to get Dr. Malone to agree to let her use the cave?
(a) Pantalaimon
(b) Her webbed toes
(c) Alethiometer
(d) The window

15. What does the alethiometer say when Lyra asks it what her dream means in chapter three?
(a) The head was never there
(b) No more pizza before bed time
(c) It was a dream about a head
(d) It is confusing

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Lyra and Will hear when they go back through the window to the other world after they are done at the cinema?

2. What does Serafina give to Lee Scoresby so that he can call her wherever he is?

3. What does Lyra see on top of the tower after the children have fled in Cittagazze?

4. What does Will decide to put on the injured cat's cut ear?

5. What form does Pantalaimon take that scares the children of Cittagazze away?

(see the answer keys)

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