The Subtle Knife Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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The Subtle Knife Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 9, Theft.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lyra do after Sir Charles locks away the alethiometer?
(a) Spits in his face
(b) Stomps on his foot
(c) Kicks over a chair
(d) Breaks a window

2. Who does Lyra suddenly realize that Sir Charles is?
(a) Lord Asreil
(b) An evil sorcerer
(c) Lord Boreal
(d) A magistrate

3. What do Lyra and Will hear when they go back through the window to the other world after they are done at the cinema?
(a) Screaming
(b) Coughing
(c) Laughing
(d) Gun fire

4. Where does Mr. Perkins tell Will that the money comes from every few months that Will and his mother receive?
(a) Will's mother is rich
(b) The people that had been in charge of John Parry's last expedition
(c) Trust fund
(d) Unknown origin

5. What does Sir Charles say that he can come up with easily to prove the alethiometer is his?
(a) Witnesses
(b) Bill of Sale
(c) Photographs
(d) Documents

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Saraphina tell Thorold that she is going to go do?

2. What does Will's father say he found in the "weather balloon" owned by the physicist Nelson?

3. What does Mrs. Coulter explain has been done to the two bodyguards she has?

4. What does Thorold tell Serafina that he believes Lord Asriel is attempting to do?

5. What does John explain in his letter that Nelson's funding comes from?

(see the answer key)

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