The Stranger Beside Me Test | Final Test - Hard

Ann Rule
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stranger Beside Me Test | Final Test - Hard

Ann Rule
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ted stays alive because he keeps receiving what?

2. In his letters, Ted tries to explain what to Ann?

3. Twelve-year-old Kimberly Diane Leach is last seen with an angry man in what kind of vehicle?

4. After finding out that the man they have captured is Ted Bundy, investigators discover what?

5. When Ted is finally charged with murder, who does he immediately say will represent him?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does the state of Florida push for Ted to be tried for the murder of Kimberly Leach even though he has already received the death penalty for the other crimes committed in Tallahassee?

2. What does Ted do during his sentencing phase after he is convicted of Kimberly Leach's murder?

3. Ted Bundy goes on an assaulting and killing spree the night of January 14, 1978. What evidence does he leave behind during his rampage?

4. Before Ted is executed in 1989, what does he do?

5. Describe five aspects of Ted's personality during his trials (as indicated by the author.)

6. Why is this part of the book that describes what happens in the year 1989 called "The Last Chapter"?

7. As of 1986, Ted Bundy has not yet been executed. Why is he still on Death Row?

8. After telling the reader about Ted's sentence -- death by electric chair -- what does Ann admit about herself?

9. Why does Ann believe that Ted could not possibly be involved in the Florida murders despite the fact that they are reminiscent of Ted's past murders?

10. When Ted is charged with the attacks and murders of the Tallahassee women as well as the death of Kimberly Leach, how does he react? What does this show?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What lessons have you learned from reading "The Stranger Beside Me" in terms of your own personal safety? Write down at least five and discuss how you will use those lessons to keep yourself as safe as possible.

Essay Topic 2

Ted seeks attention from others throughout the book. Give at least five examples of places where he attracts attention toward himself. Talk about why you believe he goes about chasing the spotlight again and again until he is put to death in 1989.

Essay Topic 3

When animals are caged for long periods of time, they can become angrier or more docile. Draw an analogy between Ted and an animal that has become trapped in a cage. When does Ted seem resigned? When does he seem frustrated or enraged?

(see the answer keys)

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