The Stranger Beside Me Test | Final Test - Easy

Ann Rule
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stranger Beside Me Test | Final Test - Easy

Ann Rule
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Police find what in the stolen white van that Ted leaves in Tallahassee?
(a) Blood stains.
(b) A body.
(c) Tools.
(d) Papers.

2. When Ted is finally charged with murder, who does he immediately say will represent him?
(a) Himself.
(b) Ann.
(c) A friend.
(d) Whoever the court appoints.

3. Twelve-year-old Kimberly Diane Leach is last seen with an angry man in what kind of vehicle?
(a) A white Cadillac.
(b) A white Volkswagon bug.
(c) A white van.
(d) A white truck.

4. How does Detective Parmenter know that the vehicle plate number he's given belongs to a vehicle in Leon County?
(a) It contains the number "113".
(b) It contains no numbers.
(c) It contains the number "3".
(d) It contains the number "13".

5. After interrogating Ted, the Florida authorities who have apprehended him decide he is responsible for how many murders?
(a) Twenty-eight.
(b) Thirty-six.
(c) Eight.
(d) Fourteen.

6. Because Florida authorities have first rights to Ted, they will not allow what?
(a) Ann to talk to Ted.
(b) Ted to be extradited to Washington.
(c) Ted to talk to anyone from his past.
(d) Ted to be his own lawyer.

7. Ted stays alive because he keeps receiving what?
(a) Stays of execution.
(b) New murder trials.
(c) Offers from defense lawyers.
(d) Hung juries.

8. When Ted deliberately delays his court appearances, he earns himself what?
(a) More interest from young women.
(b) Concern from Ann.
(c) The love of the media.
(d) Contempt of court charges.

9. When Ann hears about Ted's sentence, she feels what emotion?
(a) Confusion.
(b) Joy.
(c) Sadness.
(d) Anger.

10. When Ted is picked up by police after running from Tallahassee, he insists his name is what?
(a) Ted Bundy.
(b) Ken Bundy.
(c) Ted Misner.
(d) Ken Misner.

11. Judge Edward D. Cowart is known for what?
(a) His love of lawyers.
(b) His strong personality.
(c) His sense of humor.
(d) His leniancy on criminals.

12. Ted runs away from Tallahassee to what city?
(a) Miami.
(b) Pensacola.
(c) Los Angeles.
(d) Atlanta.

13. Nita Neary arrives home and sees who running out of the house?
(a) A woman with blood running down her head.
(b) A woman with a television.
(c) A man with a large dog.
(d) A man in a dark jacket and knit cap.

14. Ted sends Ann a letter asking her to send his wife what?
(a) Presents.
(b) Cards.
(c) Money.
(d) Books.

15. Ted's Florida trials begin in the middle of what year?
(a) 1975.
(b) 1979.
(c) 1977.
(d) 1978.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who applies for a license to marry Ted in 1980?

2. After Ted's next murder conviction in early 1980, who pleads with the judge to spare Ted's life?

3. Ted writes to Ann and tells her that he "tries to live in the..."

4. What happens to Carol in 1982?

5. Ted is sentenced to what fate?

(see the answer keys)

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