The Strange Career of Jim Crow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Strange Career of Jim Crow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. That particular type of philosophy was often referred to as a(n) ______ philosophy.
(a) Viable.
(b) Purposeless.
(c) Aristocratic.
(d) Uninformed.

2. Blacks were allowed to be an integrated part of the crowds on "common carriers." Which of the following is not a common carrier mentioned in the book?
(a) Plane.
(b) Steamboat.
(c) Train.
(d) Streecars.

3. What part of the south was known to have hundreds of thousands of free blacks?
(a) Pre World War I.
(b) Antebellum.
(c) Post-war.
(d) Crow South.

4. The change of laws in the south may be attributed to various actions often referred to as:
(a) Efforts.
(b) Movements.
(c) Causes.
(d) Pointless.

5. What is the well-known name of the group that wanted to end slavery?
(a) Abolitionists.
(b) Separatists.
(c) Democrats.
(d) Prohibitionists.

6. What aspect of Southern history involves plantations and slaves?
(a) Historical South.
(b) Confederate South.
(c) Old South.
(d) Popular South.

7. What is it called when a prevalent body or thought rules the land?
(a) Aberration.
(b) Regime.
(c) Mutiny.
(d) Communism.

8. Who was the most well known leader of the Southern Populists?
(a) Watson.
(b) Washington.
(c) Winston.
(d) Winkler.

9. What is the term used for a society in which the people of highest rank are the ones in charge?
(a) Gentrification.
(b) Aristocracy.
(c) Noblesse Oblige.
(d) Savoir faire.

10. What is the word or phrase that generally means the way things are?
(a) Regulated.
(b) Stationary.
(c) Status quo.
(d) Ipso facto.

11. What word was often used to describe the status of a black person, whether or not he was free?
(a) Inferior.
(b) Regal.
(c) Worthy.
(d) Worthless.

12. What is still the most prevalent issue between blacks and other ethnicities in the US?
(a) Slavery.
(b) Civil rights.
(c) Civil War.
(d) Labor Union.

13. What was one of the things a freedman might do after leaving the plantation where he lived?
(a) Become a sharecropper.
(b) Travel west to Goldrush country.
(c) Move to Canada.
(d) Purchase a small tract of land from former owner.

14. What famous court case was monumental in changing laws and views regarding segregation?
(a) Roe vv. Wade.
(b) Tennessee Evolution Case.
(c) Brown vv. the Board of Education.
(d) Scopes Trial.

15. The change in the Constitution and the new order is often referred to as:
(a) Rejuvenation.
(b) A mistake.
(c) Reconstruction.
(d) Blasphemy.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what year did the approval for voting appear?

2. The next phase was not governed by federal law. It was governed by which of the following?

3. It is not yet known how ______ will eventually view these drastic changes in the system.

4. Which of the following is not on the list of phenomena that began to appear in the late 1800s?

5. How many segments can Southern history be divided into?

(see the answer keys)

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