The Story Thieves Test | Final Test - Medium

Riley, James
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Story Thieves Test | Final Test - Medium

Riley, James
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Upon first seeing the First Magician, Charm demands Owen do what to him?
(a) Talk to him.
(b) Resurrect him.
(c) Kill him.
(d) Help him.

2. What does Charm use to stop the First Magician from attacking them?
(a) A magic wand.
(b) A spell.
(c) A Science Soldier.
(d) A medical pack.

3. Bethany defeats the giant by sending him into which book?
(a) Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
(b) Frankenstein.
(c) Dracula.
(d) Emma.

4. When the First Magician restores himself to his original appearance, Charm and Owen are surprised to see what?
(a) The First Magician is really a scientist.
(b) The First Magician is really Dr. Verity.
(c) The First Magician is not really the first magician.
(d) The First Magician is really the Magister.

5. When Bethany returns to the real world, she finds herself where?
(a) Imprisoned in the dungeon of the Magister's tower.
(b) Back in her bedroom.
(c) In the middle of math class.
(d) In the library.

Short Answer Questions

1. Owen needs a brain stem input in order to access what?

2. When Charm and Owen arrive in the chamber of the First Magician, they find him seated on a throne made of what?

3. What trap does Bethany set for the fictional monsters?

4. As Bethany and Kiel return to the home of Jonathan Porterhouse, they are frightened by what sound?

5. After Bethany returns to the real world, Kiel informs her that what has happened to him?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do passersby react to seeing Kiel Gnomenfoot walking around the town?

2. After Dr. Verity blows up Charm's ship, what happens to Owen and Charm?

3. How has the Magister hurt Kiel? How is Kiel still powerful?

4. What two objects does Charm give Owen?

5. Where has the Magister hidden Jonathan Porterhouse? What is ironic about this?

6. As Bethany and Kiel are walking through the town, what do they see appearing up on a hill?

7. Why does Bethany finally use the location spell?

8. What does the Magister want with Merlin? How does Merlin respond?

9. What does Bethany tell the Magister about the importance of readers?

10. What does the Magister plan to do with all the writers of fiction?

(see the answer keys)

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