The Story of Philosophy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Will Durant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Story of Philosophy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Will Durant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Spinoza find himself after asking questions about Jewish and Christian beliefs?
(a) promoted to head philosopher
(b) left without a source of income
(c) honored as a great thinker
(d) excommunicated from the synagogue

2. What does Spinoza call the highest knowledge of universal unity?
(a) understanding the influence of the stars
(b) the educated answers to philosophical questions
(c) the intellectual equivalent of the love of God
(d) the lessons from philosophers of the past

3. What is Spinoza's second book?
(a) The Political Treatise
(b) The Treatise on Religion and the State
(c) The Improvement of the Intellect
(d) Ethics

4. What does Voltaire do when he is sentenced to the Bastille a second time?
(a) appeals to the Regent
(b) changes his name
(c) escapes to England
(d) goes to Switzerland

5. To answer Rousseau, what satirical story does Voltaire write about the best of all possible worlds?
(a) Candide
(b) Atlantis
(c) Utopia
(d) The Misanthrope

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Spinoza say the language of the Bible is?

2. Who are the students of Socrates?

3. Although science and philosophy exists in Greece before their times, who were the teachers who greatly advanced the fields?

4. What does Baruch Spinoza begin to feel about his traditional Jewish education?

5. What motivates Voltaire to accept Prince Frederick's invitation and travel expenses to join him in his court in Potsdam?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Voltaire's reaction to Rousseau's suggestion that men were responsible for the deaths in the Lisbon earthquake?

2. What is a common criticism of Voltaire?

3. What happens because of Spinoza's questions about Judeo-Christian beliefs?

4. Explain Aristotle's definition of God.

5. How does Plato state the cause of political problems in the world?

6. Describe the philosophers before Socrates, Plato, and aristotle.

7. Contrast Aristotle's Lyceum with Plato's Academy.

8. How does Plato see population as a political problem of war that can be controlled?

9. How does the scope of Bacon's philosophy miss his goal?

10. How is Bacon's philosophy comparable to Plato's?

(see the answer keys)

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