The Story of Philosophy Test | Final Test - Easy

Will Durant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Story of Philosophy Test | Final Test - Easy

Will Durant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What rouses the world from dogmatism?
(a) Francis Bacon's Essays
(b) Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
(c) Voltaire's Candide
(d) the philosophy of Locke, Berkeley, and Hume

2. What had Kant determined to be a Thing-in-Itself that can be conceived in thought but not experienced?
(a) conceptuality
(b) eventuality
(c) ultimate reality
(d) history

3. In what work does Spencer freely express his best ideas with suggestive generalization and political philosophy?
(a) The Evolution of Thought
(b) The Evolution of Society
(c) The Evolution of Mind
(d) The Evolution of Life

4. How does Kant classify an action done in accord with one's inner sense of duty?
(a) as holy
(b) as isolated
(c) as good
(d) as habitual

5. Without what does Kant say sensations cannot become perceptions?
(a) hot and cold
(b) space and time
(c) time and energy
(d) action and reaction

6. What bold denial of Kant's is based on reduction of religion to moral faith and hope?
(a) the denial of logical theology
(b) the denial of rational theology
(c) the denial of inspired theology
(d) the denial of pantheology

7. What method does Kant use to remind theology that substance, cause, and necessity are finite categories?
(a) Aristotle's logic
(b) the Socratic Method
(c) animal instinct
(d) transcendental dialectic

8. What is a critical analysis of knowledge that is independent of all sense experience?
(a) Kant's Whole History of Thought
(b) Kant's The Return to Common Sense
(c) Kant's Letters to Philosophers
(d) Kant's The Critique of Pure Reason

9. On what does Spencer say the soul of men living humble and precarious lives relies?
(a) more on future hope than reality
(b) more on mythology than on science
(c) more on reality than on possibility
(d) more on guidence than education

10. Where does Spencer say that Religion is central?
(a) in the life of primitive civilization
(b) in the life of advanced civilization
(c) in the life of rural communities
(d) in the life of clerics

11. What is the distinction of his book, The Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Music?
(a) it defines classic tragedy
(b) it is his first and only
(c) it is translated into 30 languages
(d) it sold out in three weeks

12. Why does Nietzsche claim that morality and theology must be reconstructed?
(a) to give it more importance
(b) to upgrade the language
(c) to fit the growth of evolutionary theory
(d) to make it more appealing

13. What does Spencer define as the subjective accompaniment of mechanically evolved nerve processes?
(a) education
(b) mind
(c) heart
(d) biology

14. Why does Russell visit Russia?
(a) for a first-hand view of a socialist society
(b) to discuss politics
(c) to talk with the common people
(d) for his health

15. What is needed by a strong man who seeks intensity and experience at the cost of tragic woe?
(a) optimism
(b) altruism
(c) pessimism
(d) assistance

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Kant's critical analysis of the moral basis of religion?

2. What does Schopenhauer see as the cause of strife and misery?

3. Where does Schopenhauer go to write a doctoral dissertation in philosophy?

4. What does Bergson uphold that is distinct from the organism, but is limited by its characteristics?

5. What does Kant classify as a result of an oligarchic constitution wherein the spoils of war go to a greedy few?

(see the answer keys)

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