The Story of Philosophy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Will Durant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Story of Philosophy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Will Durant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what age does Plato advocate taking children from their parents to avoid learning bad habits?
(a) at adolescence
(b) at birth
(c) age three
(d) age ten

2. Although science and philosophy exists in Greece before their times, who were the teachers who greatly advanced the fields?
(a) Socrates and Plato
(b) Playto and Prothagorus
(c) Aristotle and Onassis
(d) Aristotle and Socrates

3. What does Spinoza do to support himself?
(a) tutors students
(b) writes for a newspaper
(c) gives violin lessons
(d) grinds optical lenses

4. How does Voltaire think what is wrong with most recorded history could be corrected?
(a) history should only be written by scientists
(b) only scholars should write history
(c) history should be forgotten
(d) only philosophers should write history

5. How does Spinoza find himself after asking questions about Jewish and Christian beliefs?
(a) honored as a great thinker
(b) left without a source of income
(c) excommunicated from the synagogue
(d) promoted to head philosopher

6. What are two theories from the Orient that gain acceptance in Greece?
(a) Confucianism and communism
(b) Stoicism and Epicureanism
(c) Polytheism and atheism
(d) Buddhism and Hinduism

7. By the thirteenth century A. D., how does the Church unite the European continent?
(a) by common language and desires
(b) by common faith and supernatural sanctions
(c) by millitancy and fear
(d) by persecution of heresy

8. What is said to change Plato's life?
(a) his friendship with Philip of Macedon
(b) his defection from the army
(c) his time spent in Egypt
(d) his meeting with Socrates

9. What does Aristotle say is the need of Motion?
(a) a place to happen
(b) a source
(c) matter
(d) a reason

10. What circumstance does Spinoza say keeps the racial existence of the Jews?
(a) 3,500 years of Jewish tradition
(b) Jewish schools of higher education
(c) having no land to call their own
(d) persecution by Christians

11. What does not affect France like it does Germany and England?
(a) The Reformation
(b) The Renaissance
(c) The Crusades
(d) The Revolution

12. At his birth in 384 B.C., into what kind of family is Aristotle born?
(a) a family of philosophers
(b) a military family
(c) a family of travelers
(d) a medical family

13. What does Plato say is a science and art one must live and prepare for?
(a) teaching the young
(b) statesmanship
(c) military leadership
(d) oratory

14. Who are Francis Bacon's relative that cause it to be said that his political career began at his birth in 1561?
(a) aristocrats from Spain and the Netherlands
(b) well-placed English aristocrats
(c) pretenders to the English throne
(d) leaders of the Church of England

15. What is lacking in Aristotle's philosophy that is so evident in Plato's?
(a) a good use of rhetoric
(b) a reforming zeal
(c) a clear objective
(d) a means of testing

Short Answer Questions

1. What philosopher and statesman does Francis Bacon aspire to be like?

2. What does Baruch Spinoza begin to feel about his traditional Jewish education?

3. To what end does Socrates develop his Socratic Method?

4. What becomes the unifying element in Plato's description of justice?

5. What is the foundation of Plato's Republic?

(see the answer keys)

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