The Stories of Ray Bradbury Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stories of Ray Bradbury Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the young girl with memories of the sun?

2. What is the setting used in "The Women?"

3. "The Black Ferris" tells the story of a magical Ferris wheel that alters a rider's ____.

4. What profession is the man who first learns about "The Anthem Sprinters?"

5. In "Punishment Without Crime" George decides to murder a surrogate version of his wife _____.

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss the bizarre inscriptions discussed in "The Inspired Chicken Motel" and how they affect a family.

2. In "The Day It Rained Forever" three friends complain at the severe heat while waiting for a specific event to occur. What is the event? When is it due to occur?

3. In "Tyrannosaurus Rex" a movie producer hires a modeler to create a stop-motion dinosaur. What is the unusual outcome of the project?

4. What is unusual about the parrot in "The Parrot Who Met Papa?" What happens to the parrot?

5. What unusual fact about a victim is discovered by the ambulance drivers in "Long After Midnight?"

6. In "The Happiness Machine" Leo Auffmann invents a happiness machine. Describe the machine and was it does for the users. Also examine the opinion of Mrs. Auffmann.

7. How does the wife attempt to help her husband in "The Women?"

8. What is the plan put into motion by Doug in "The Utterly Perfect Murder?" What is the outcome?

9. Tell the story of Margot in "All Summer in a Day."

10. Describe the plot in "A Story of Love."

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Some of Bradbury's characters end up in strange worlds or alternate realities, suggesting the existence of a parallel universe. What are your thoughts on a parallel universe? Do you think one can exist? Can there be more than one? If so, are certain intersections or events predestined or does free will rule over all? What do you think might be happening in your parallel universe right now?

Essay Topic 2

What is Bradbury's fascination with aliens including Martians and Venusians along with the planets themselves? Consider the time period in which each alien story was written. Compare and contrast the aliens from the stories with aliens seen most often in today's popular culture.

Essay Topic 3

There are several stories that contain seemingly implausible scenarios. One excellent example can be found in "The Scythe." Where do you think Bradbury got the idea to turn Erickson into the Grim Reaper? What could happen that might cause the event to occur? How did Erickson deal with his disbelief? How did the knowledge of being the Grim Reaper affect Erickson mentally and emotionally? What other implausible stories are there? How does Bradbury make them believable? Explain.

(see the answer keys)

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