The Stars Beneath Our Feet Test | Final Test - Easy

David Barclay Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stars Beneath Our Feet Test | Final Test - Easy

David Barclay Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Iris?
(a) Vega's mom.
(b) Vega's cousin.
(c) Vega's aunt.
(d) Vega's sister.

2. Who gives Lolly a sketchbook?
(a) Ms. Jenna.
(b) Vega.
(c) Rose.
(d) Mr. Ali.

3. What happens to the winner of Lolly's competition?
(a) They win a trophy,
(b) They win money.
(c) They get the storage room to themselves.
(d) They win for fun.

4. Who does Lolly invite to a trip to Midtown?
(a) Rose.
(b) Frito.
(c) Vega.
(d) Sunny.

5. Who steals Lolly's phone?
(a) Rockit.
(b) Frito.
(c) Jermaine.
(d) Harp and Gully.

6. What animal do Vega and Lolly find under a box?
(a) A fox.
(b) A crow.
(c) A chicken.
(d) A cat.

7. Who does Rose call ugly in Chapter 24?
(a) Sunny.
(b) Lolly.
(c) April.
(d) Vega.

8. Who walks by Lolly and Vega with a chicken on a leash?
(a) Frito.
(b) Sunny and April.
(c) April.
(d) Rose.

9. What happens to Blaze Tower on the last day of the competition?
(a) It crumbles.
(b) It shrinks.
(c) Nothing happens to it.
(d) It grows.

10. What job offer do Lolly and Rose get?
(a) A job at a froyo shop.
(b) A job at a cafe.
(c) A job making a display for Tuttle's Toy Emporium.
(d) A job waiting tables.

11. How does Lolly feel about making art?
(a) He hates it.
(b) He loves it.
(c) He wishes he liked it more.
(d) He is indifferent about it.

12. Who is steadily in the lead of the competition in Chapter 18?
(a) Sunny.
(b) Rose.
(c) Mr. Ali.
(d) Lolly.

13. Who deliberately ruins one of Lolly and Rose's buildings in the storage room?
(a) Lolly.
(b) Mr. Ali.
(c) Rose.
(d) Vega.

14. How did Rose's mother die?
(a) She did not die.
(b) She got in a car accident.
(c) She had cancer.
(d) She jumped from a building.

15. How does Vega plan to do to Harp and Gully?
(a) Avoid them.
(b) Talk to them.
(c) Fight them.
(d) Shoot them.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who got Lolly his first Lego kit?

2. What do Lolly and Rose want to do for a living?

3. Who does Vega say Lolly is in love with?

4. Who is Nicky?

5. Who has an older sister at Brooklyn College?

(see the answer keys)

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