The Starless Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

Erin Morgenstern
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Starless Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

Erin Morgenstern
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Mirabel go through a door after her dance with Zachary?
(a) Busy city.
(b) Starlit wood.
(c) The Harbor.
(d) The Starless Sea.

2. What colors does the man in the ballroom use for his designs of sand?
(a) Orange and brown.
(b) Blue and white and pink and green.
(c) Black and grey and gold and ivory.
(d) Lavender and grey.

3. What color car is abandoned on page 493?
(a) Red.
(b) Blue.
(c) White.
(d) Grey.

4. What was Allegra called when she was at the Harbor?
(a) Painter.
(b) Artist.
(c) Cartoonist.
(d) Writer.

5. What number nightmare is the one where the writer is walking in a dark place and something big and slithery is there?
(a) 71.
(b) 67.
(c) 56.
(d) 83.

6. What color hair does Kat remember that the woman had who told her about the Owl King?
(a) Brown.
(b) Red.
(c) Pink.
(d) Black.

7. When Kat went to the address for the Collector's Club, what image was on a gate at the back of the building?
(a) Heart.
(b) Sword.
(c) Key.
(d) Bee.

8. As Dorian sails with Eleanor, what patterns are the stalactites carved into?
(a) Bees, hearts, and swords.
(b) Crowns and hearts.
(c) Swords and bees.
(d) Vines, stars, and diamonds.

9. After Kat looked at photos, what color hair did she think that Simone Keating had?
(a) Brown.
(b) Black.
(c) Blonde.
(d) Red.

10. In Book 6, when does Dorian say that he and Zachary met?
(a) 4 years ago.
(b) 2 years ago.
(c) 5 years ago.
(d) 3 years ago.

11. On page 415, where does Dorian think he is?
(a) Ballroom.
(b) Strand Bookstore.
(c) Inn where the moon goes.
(d) Heart of the Harbor.

12. On page 291, what languages does Dorian speak to Zachary?
(a) Japanese and Vietnamese.
(b) Italian and Russian.
(c) Mandarin and Urdu.
(d) Hausa and Amharic.

13. When Zachary is at the party in the ballroom, what type of ink is used on a note he is given?
(a) Gold.
(b) Silver.
(c) Green.
(d) Blue.

14. Under what name did Kat know the girl who texts her and then speaks to her from a phone at Barnes and Noble?
(a) Anna.
(b) Rachel.
(c) Sarah.
(d) Megan.

15. Who did Zachary meet at the Starless Sea?
(a) Dorian.
(b) The Keeper.
(c) Rhyme.
(d) Mirabel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the world rest on that Zachary rows to in a rowboat?

2. What do the bees in the dollhouse in Book 6 offer Zachary that he declines?

3. On page 428, what is covered in blood?

4. What type of cookies did Kat make after a man put a transmitter in her bag?

5. In Book 5, what does Dorian crash into?

(see the answer keys)

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