The Stand Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Stand Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Nick, Stu, and Ralph instruct Tom to return to Boulder during what?
(a) The next full moon.
(b) The night.
(c) The explosion.
(d) Half moon.

2. The judge is convinced that Flagg is following him in the shape of what?
(a) A dark man.
(b) A man.
(c) A wolf.
(d) A crow.

3. Frannie, Harold, Stu, and Glen have joined up with a couple who are riding what?
(a) Pick-up trucks.
(b) Bicycles.
(c) Civics.
(d) Yamahas and Hondas.

4. Larry and Ralph are about to be executed, they are handcuffed and hung up. The Las Vegas crowd is watching; what happens as a direct result of Trashcan Man?
(a) After a stirring speech on Americans not behaving this way, the crowd turns on Flagg.
(b) The hand of God appears and detonates an atomic bomb.
(c) Nothing Larry and Ralph die and the crowd watches.
(d) Lloyd shoots Trashcan Man on Flagg's orders.

5. Who does Nick Andros find at the convenience store?
(a) Randall Flagg.
(b) Two thieves.
(c) A boy.
(d) Julie Lawdry.

6. What or whom ultimately causes Flagg's apparent destruction, as the warhead is activated, destroying Las Vegas and every one of its inhabitants?
(a) Mother Abigail.
(b) A lightning bolt.
(c) The Trashcan Man.
(d) The Weather.

7. Randall Flagg wants to behead the group and place their heads on what?
(a) Wooden beams.
(b) Spikes in the courtyard of the hotel.
(c) Top of the sign.
(d) Spikes on the road.

8. Which of these is NOT a couple at any point during the book?
(a) Stu and Lucy.
(b) Julie and Nick.
(c) Nadine and Harold.
(d) Nadine and Randall.

9. What kills Larry, Ralph, Lloyd, and everyone else in the city?
(a) Randall Flagg.
(b) The tiny blue spark of electricity.
(c) A nuclear bomb.
(d) A tornado.

10. Who spies on Frannie Goldsmith and Stu Redman?
(a) Lovelace.
(b) Rita Blakemore.
(c) Dayna Jurgens.
(d) Harold Lauder.

11. Julie Lawdry does what to Nick and Tom while they are in the store?
(a) She charges at them with a knife.
(b) She runs away.
(c) She waits for them.
(d) Slashes their bike tires and tries to shoot them.

12. Who of these is not sent to Vegas (by the Free Zone Committee) as a spy?
(a) Harold Lauder.
(b) Judge Farris.
(c) Dayna Jurgens.
(d) Tom Cullen.

13. What visible irritation does Randall Flagg notice about Glen?
(a) He is not afraid of him.
(b) He is scared of him.
(c) He wants to see his Eye.
(d) He wants to kill him.

14. Who does Randall Flagg summon?
(a) Harold Lauder.
(b) Lloyd Henreid.
(c) Mother Abigail.
(d) Judge Farris.

15. Where does Nadine find Harold's bomb?
(a) Under the stairs.
(b) In the dryer.
(c) Under the bed.
(d) In a closet.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Randall Flagg set up a headquarters for carrying out his evil plot?

2. What is Trashcan Man inspecting the air force testing ground looking for?

3. Stu, Harold, and Ralph form a search party to find whom?

4. How many members are on the ad hoc committee?

5. What happens to Tom Cullen in Chapter 55?

(see the answer keys)

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