The Spy's Wife Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spy's Wife Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What part of the story of the day's happenings does Molly omit when talking to Monk?
(a) She omits the part about Wallace coming with Sally Anne.
(b) She omits the part about Sally Anne having a knife.
(c) She omits the part about making breakfast for her father.
(d) She omits the part about her flight.

2. What does Molly find that shocks her when she gets up the next morning?
(a) She sees Wallace and Sally Anne waiting for her.
(b) She sees Iain in her home.
(c) She sees an article in the newspaper about the previous day's events.
(d) She sees that Monk has left her a note of farewell.

3. Who informed Molly's father about the events that have transpired in regard to Sam?
(a) Sally Anne.
(b) Monk.
(c) Aspinall.
(d) Wallace.

4. Who wakes up Molly on the plane?
(a) Sam.
(b) Sally Anne.
(c) Wallace.
(d) Monk.

5. Which of the following adjectives best describes Monk's reaction to Molly's emotional nature in regard to her mother?
(a) Unmoved.
(b) Sympathetic.
(c) Surprised.
(d) Empathetic.

6. Who joins Molly and Sally Anne for dinner?
(a) Sam.
(b) Ivor.
(c) Monk.
(d) Wallace.

7. What does Molly do to the door of her hotel room as she leaves?
(a) She leaves a note for Sam on it.
(b) She hangs a sign on it for housekeeping.
(c) She displays a Do Not Disturb sign.
(d) She leaves the door open.

8. In what way does Monk offer Molly comfort when they return to the home she and Sam had shared?
(a) He spends the night in another room.
(b) He cleans the house out of all material that is Sam's.
(c) He calls her father to come stay with her.
(d) He has Iain and Jean come to stay with her.

9. What reason, besides seeing Sam, does Sally Anne give for wanting Molly to cooperate with Wallace?
(a) So Molly will be discredited.
(b) So she can meet Monk.
(c) So she can cash in on her story.
(d) So that Molly will be out of her life forever.

10. How does Wallace say he will present Sam?
(a) He will present him as a bad person who broke Molly's heart.
(b) He will present him as a cheater.
(c) He will present him in the fairest light possible.
(d) He will present him in the most truthful way possible.

11. How does Molly feel when she is outside of the hospital escaping Ivor for a few minutes?
(a) Surprised.
(b) Desperate.
(c) Relieved.
(d) Uninformed.

12. Who does Molly marry at the end of this novel?
(a) Monk.
(b) Trevor.
(c) Wallace.
(d) Aspinall.

13. Why does Sam tell Molly that he slept with Sally Anne?
(a) He did it out of necessity.
(b) He did it to help her out.
(c) He did it to allow him to have children.
(d) He did it to hurt Molly.

14. Which of the following descriptors best describes Trevor?
(a) Surprised.
(b) Resourceful.
(c) Desperate.
(d) Hateful.

15. What accusation does Wallace make to Molly?
(a) He accused her of telling Sallie Anne that she loved him.
(b) He accused her of telling Monk that he was a spy.
(c) He accused her of sending the KGB to interview him.
(d) He accused her of telling the newspaper to fire him.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was the flight scheduled to leave for Bucharest?

2. Who is following Molly on foot with the hopes to see Sam?

3. When does Molly learn that she is pregnant?

4. Why does Trevor come over to Molly's parents' home?

5. What was contained in the contents of the package that arrived for Molly?

(see the answer keys)

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