The Source of Self-Regard Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Source of Self-Regard Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Store displays arranged to look like the interiors of houses and the interiors of houses arranged to look like store displays is an example Morrison gives of which aspect of globalism?
(a) Corporate control of formerly public spaces.
(b) Its division of people into "center" and "margin."
(c) The boundless creation of wealth.
(d) The erasure of the line between public and private.

2. Morrison's reading of fiction about Africa written by non-African writers reminded her of what part of her childhood?
(a) When the church collection plate was passed to raise money for Africa.
(b) Her own immigration to America from Ghana.
(c) When she struggled to understand a movie set in Asia.
(d) The first time she was called a racial epithet.

3. "Noblesse oblige" is a philosophy that urged the nobility to do what?
(a) Accumulate as much land as possible.
(b) Share their wealth.
(c) Seize power from the church.
(d) Prevent strangers from entering their lands.

4. In her "Sarah Lawrence Commencement Address," Morrison says that when you hate you become what?
(a) A victim.
(b) A monster.
(c) An addict.
(d) A slave.

5. "The War on Error" is a speech given to what group?
(a) Sarah Lawrence College.
(b) Amnesty International.
(c) The Newspaper Association of America.
(d) ArtTable.

Short Answer Questions

1. "The War Against Error" is a fifteenth and sixteenth century effort to eliminate what kind of error?

2. In "Race Matters," Morrison creates a metaphorical comparison between "race-specific, race-free" language and what?

3. In "The Slavebody and the Blackbody," what does Morrison call the "ghost in the machine"?

4. According to "Harlem on My Mind," almost 28 years after the "Harlem" exhibit, the Guggenheim museum did what?

5. According to "Harlem on My Mind," why did the 1969 exhibit by the same name fail?

Short Essay Questions

1. In “Race Matters," why does Morrison say that she decided she needed a "home" and not just a "house"?

2. In “Harlem on My Mind," what does Morrison point to as the causes of the failure of the New York Metropolitan Museum's 1968 exhibit on Harlem?

3. In “The Habit of Art," why does Morrison allude to Antigone?

4. In “Wartalk,” how does Morrison say that globalization differs from colonialism and internationalism?

5. In “Moral Inhabitants," Morrison opens with some U.S. Census statistics. What are they and why does she include them?

6. According to Morrison's “Women, Race, and Memory," what are the assumptions behind infighting among women?

7. In “The Foreigner’s Home,” what point is Morrison making with her discussion of The Radiance of the King?

8. In “A Race in Mind: The Press in Deed," how does Morrison connect the idea of "special interests" with the racial identification of subjects in news stories?

9. In “Race Matters," what story does Morrison tell about the ending of Beloved, and why does she tell this story?

10. In “Literature and Public Life," what does Morrison blame television for, and what does she propose as a solution?

(see the answer keys)

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